Chapter Twenty-Four

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"What do you think about this one?" Susan asked, holding up a bolt of fabric.

"I think that would be perfect for a skirt with a light blue or cream colored blouse," Allie said. "But I don't know if I would do an entire dress with that."

"Yeah, you're right." Susan looked at several more fabrics before deciding on the ones she wanted.

It was early spring and it had been such a nice day that Allie had walked to town with Susan to help her with the last minute items on her list before the wedding, which was coming up in just a few weeks.

Mr. Larson added up her purchase and wrote out a receipt for her. While he was jotting things down, he made small talk and finally asked if Lucas Dillan would be at the wedding.

"As far as I know," Susan said. "He's Arthur's best man,"

"Just curious," Mr. Larson chuckled. "That boy's been busy with something all winter long. Do either of you know what he's up to?"

Susan glanced at Allie but she just shrugged. "I have no idea. As far as I know, he's just been helping his father fix up the barn. I'm pretty sure they've already finished clearing some more land."

"Maybe that's it," Mr. Larson said. "I see him drive past here at least once a day with his wagon. Seems like he's spending a lot of time at the mill up the way."

"Maybe the barn was in worse shape than they thought." Susan said.

"Have a nice day, girls," Mr. Larson smiled and waved as they left.

Allie walked Susan home. When they reached her house, Susan turned around right on the porch and looked Allie in the eye. "Are you worried about Lucas?" she asked.

"Not really." Allie said. "Why?"

"Because it's odd that he's doing stuff without telling you about it. Arthur tells me everything, even the stuff I don't want to know, because we don't want to have secrets. I'm worried Lucas is keeping something from you!"

"If he wants to tell me, he'll tell me," Allie said. "And we're not engaged, so it's different than with you and Arthur."

"Maybe. But it feels suspicious!"

"I am going to trust him until there is a reason for me not to." Allie said. "I told him I would give him that much. And if he breaks my trust, he is well aware that it will be the last time I ever speak to him."

"You told him that?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well, then I hope it's nothing."

Allie nodded. "I'm sure it is."

Susan suddenly squealed, "Only three more weeks!"

Laughing, Allie hugged her friend. "Yes, just enough time for me to finish my new dress, so I'd better get home and work on it!"

"Thanks for coming with me today!"

Allie waved and walked home. She had just reached the front porch when she heard something and turned around to see Lucas pulling into her driveway driving his wagon. She waited on the steps for him, suddenly concerned when she saw the serious look on his face as he climbed down.

She gasped when he bent down, wrapped his arms tightly around her and lifted her off her feet as he rested his head on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I miss you," he whispered. It had been four days since he'd stopped by to see her. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

When she realized that he was just going to stand there holding onto her forever, she gave him a squeeze. "What else is wrong? Have you been sleeping?"

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