Chapter Three

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Sunday morning, Allie waited on the steps at church for Susan to show up. She knew her father would be talking for a few minutes and as soon as she heard the music she'd best go inside and take her seat. But since they had arrived several minutes early, he'd said it was alright for her to wait outside.

"Allie!" Susan jumped down from her family's wagon before it had even fully stopped and ran over to hug her friend. "We're going on a picnic today and Ma says I can bring you if it's alright with your pa!"

"He's inside, we can go ask him before service starts," Allie said, taking her by the hand and leading her in through the heavy doors. They found her father, speaking with Reverend Williams and Allie patiently waited.

"Yes, Allie?" her father finally looked down at her.

"Ma and Pa said Allie can come on our picnic today after service, if it's alright with you, Mr. Warner." Susan said, a bit shyly.

"I think that would be alright. I'll speak with them afterwards," he nodded.

The girls squealed softly before hurrying back to the door where Susan's parents were just coming inside. "Her pa said yes and he'll speak with you after service," Susan repeated to them, just as Mrs. Dillard began playing the organ.

"Very good," Mrs. Lewis smiled. "We'd best take our seats then,"

Allie smiled and went to the pew where Seth was sitting, and was joined by her father as the Reverend walked to the front. They sang several songs and Allie tried her best to pay attention during the long, drawn out sermon, but found herself swinging her legs and thinking about the picnic.

She glanced over her shoulder and spotted Susan, sitting with her parents and looking just as distracted and the two girls shared a smile. As she turned back in her seat, she spotted Lucas, sitting a row ahead of the Lewis' and she realized he was glaring at her. She quickly faced straight ahead and didn't look back again. 

By the time the service ended, however, Allie had completely forgotten about Lucas and she waited patiently while her father talked to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. He mentioned that she would have chores that evening and they assured him they would have her back home well before dark.

The two girls climbed up into the back of the Lewis' wagon and chattered on about everything that had happened since they'd seen each other at school on Friday. It wasn't long before they pulled up to a pretty clearing beside the river and Mr. Lewis told them they could go play but to be careful around the water. While the girls played, he and Mrs. Lewis laid out blankets and unpacked the picnic lunch.

"Ma says I've grown three whole inches this year," Susan said as they walked back towards the wagon from where they'd wandered downstream. "She says she's going to have to make me all new dresses before winter,"

"I've only grown half an inch," Allie sighed. Her dresses would likely fit for another year.

"I'm sure you'll have a growth spurt eventually," Susan said.

"Not likely," Allie replied. "I don't think I've ever had a growth spurt. I just dawdle along like a turtle. Slow and steady. Not like Seth. He's sprouted right up and and he's nearly as tall as Pa now."

"Well, maybe you're just meant to stay small. There's nothing wrong with that,"

"Easy for you to say. You're already half a foot taller than me." Allie said. "I want to be tall, with shiny blonde hair!"

"Well, you're not. You're short. With brown hair," Susan laughed. "Get used to it. I doubt it's going to change any time soon."

Allie laughed. "I guess you're right. But don't forget about the freckles!"

"Oh, I think they're cute."

"Maybe I'll grow out of them,"

"Don't say that." Susan said as they reached the picnic. "I think they make you unique,"

"That's true." Allie admitted. "Well, I guess I don't care if Lucas doesn't like them. Who asked him anyway!" 

"Exactly!" Susan said. "Besides, he's not the brightest, so I wouldn't trust his opinion anyway!"

The girls laughed and when Mrs. Lewis asked what was so funny, they told her about what had happened with Lucas and the girls at school. Of course Mrs. Lewis scolded them for teasing and told them it wasn't funny, but both of the girls saw the slight smile on her face when she glanced at Mr. Lewis.

"Well girls," Mr. Lewis said, clearing his throat. "Eat up! We brought plenty. And stay away from boys like that."

Both girls giggled. Neither of them had even considered Lucas as someone they would want to spend much time with.

But, as much as they both did their best to avoid Lucas, they had to see him at school. And even when school let out for the summer, it was as though he purposely went out of his way to seek Allie out so he could continue to pick on her. The pranks never seemed to end.

Sometime during the summer, Lucas and his father got a dog and Lucas trained it to chase her any time she passed by their driveway. Although he wasn't aggressive and never bit her, any time he would see her walking by herself, he would run over and jump on her, knocking  her down. And Lucas would stand by and watch, laughing each and every time.

When school started up again in the fall, Allie was thankful it was Lucas' last year. Perhaps once he graduated, he'd find something better to do with his time. Only it never happened and she was pretty sure it was because he was holding a grudge over her part in the drama between Beverly and Annabeth.

"I don't know what he expected," Allie sighed as she and Susan walked towards her house on the last day of school. "Did he think I was going to lie for him? I mean, what would you have done if you saw someone obviously trying to pull one over on two girls?"

"I would have done the same as you," Susan said. "You didn't, and still don't, owe him anything. And he'd better leave you alone, now that he's done with school for good. He's got no reason to keep picking on you!"

Allie didn't appear to be convinced. "He didn't stop last year," she said, staying to the far side of the road as they passed his driveway. "I don't know why he'd stop now."

"Because he's sixteen!" Susan exclaimed, keeping an eye out for the dog Allie said was always chasing her. "He's practically a grown-up and has no business bothering you all the time! I still think you should tell your Pa!"

"I think that would just make things worse. You've see how he retaliates whenever anyone crosses him. It would just be more of the same."

"I swear, one of these days I'm going to punch him in the nose." Susan muttered.

"I know. I've thought about it too," Allie sighed. "Trust me."

Susan laughed. "Okay, that would be funny!"

"What would be funny?"

"Seeing you punch Lucas in the nose. Do you think you'd be able to reach that high?"

Allie laughed. It probably would never happen. But imagining it was fairly entertaining. She sighed as they continued on towards her house.

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