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Something was wrong with Prapai. Porsche could tell. Papai's smile changed. It was in the way Prapai's smile changed, ever so slightly. Normally, his eldest son had a smile that could light up a room, a smile that could make anyone feel instantly happier. But now, there was something different about it. Porshe knew his son inside out. He had spent years studying every nuance of Prapai's expressions, becoming an expert in reading his emotions. When Prapai was sad, his smile would wither away, replaced by a sadness that lingered in his eyes. When he was happy, his smile would radiate an infectious joy that could make anyone feel alive.

But this smile, the one Prapai had been wearing lately, was different. It had an excited, giddy quality to it, as if Prapai was bursting with anticipation. It was a smile that made Porsche curious, wondering what could possibly be the source of his son's excitement.

Prapai was an open book for his parents. That's how his son is. But lately, he smiles as if he has caught a star. Really. That brat didn't come home for more than 2 months. Granted that none of his sons did. But Prapai is a different breed. That boy only brought his condo because it was close to his racing circuit and even if no one tells him, Porsche knows that, the condo has been visited by hoard of pretty boys and girls.

As a father, Porsche wanted nothing more than to protect his son and ensure his happiness.

He is freaking sure Prapai just wanted to save his balls from his dad. Since Porsche threatened him, once he found a pretty boy getting rude with the laundry lady. One thing that Porsche can't tolerate is rudeness towards the staff. Those people have been loyal to him and Kinn for almost a decade.

Actually, this habit of sleeping around started when Pai was in UK. Prapai always called him on a regular basis from there. Not even a day missed. But then one day a sweet English Voiced answered Prapai's phone when Porsche called. And Porsche was not fool enough to think that his son was a saint. Since his husband did once had the same shitty habit.

So it was not a surprise that his little brat was interested in someone. So interested that every time he calls him, he is either working or away from work to woo the person. Porsche really didn't mind that Prapai didn't tell him anything. Not that he didn't want to. He always wanted to know about every freaking single thing that goes on his son's life, but one time Prapai caught him trying to check his phone and they had a huge fight. And a lot of crying. Mainly from Prapai's side. So he tried to stay away from snooping in from his son's life.

But sadly enough he can't say the same about his brother in law. Kim was fucking nosy. He knew it the first time he heard Porchay and his story. Porsche sometimes thinks it's only Chay that gets the freedom from his husband's nosiness. Because after the first time, Chay completely detested, Kim trying to know or snoop about his business. And Kim took that like his religion, cause not once they had a fight about it. And Porsche was happy that his brother found someone who worships the ground he walks on and cares enough for his privacy. (his husband is clueless about this matter. But after being married for so long Porsche gave up and went with it thinking it was one of his husband's weird habit that he have to tolerate till they die).

But his brother in law needed to know everything. Specifically about their children's life. He probably knows every fucking details about the person's that his nephew's got funky with. Although Chay and Kim's son Todd, was kind of antisocial. That boy has always liked to keep himself separated from their family business.