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December 2023

The feeling of achieving the ultimate goal, after pouring every ounce of blood, sweat and tears, sacrificing so many things in life to make sure that every ounce of energy one has is used solely for that project, is the most rewarding thing Alessandra felt. She thought she had felt all of that when she became an engineer after spending years studying and working hard, but the way she felt after winning both championships, after 5 years as an engineers and a year as a team principal was something like no other.

When she woke up in her hotel room with the worst hangover she's ever had in her entire life the morning after the race, she felt like she was dying, but she knew that the hangover was a result of celebrating the best night of her and the team's life, and she felt that the suffering she was enduring that morning was well and truly worth it. Never in a million years would she have thought that she'd become a team principal, and winning both titles in her first year leading the team was something that could not even been dreamed of, but her phone blasting with endless congratulatory messages was the best reality check she could ask for. Because she did the unimaginable. Her team and driver won both championship under her lead, in her first year taking the reins.

Another reality check was being forced to get out of her bed when loud knocks were heard on her door, and when she opened it, she found the world champion, who looked like he was also enduring death, but had the biggest smile on his face as he walked into her room, followed by the rest of the Les Idiotes gang.

"Okay then," she chuckled as she closed the door, "make yourselves at home." She rolled her eyes when she watched Charles make a b-line for her bed, slipping under the covers and let out a groan as he laid her head on the same pillow she was on a few seconds before.

"If this is what being a champion feels like," the Monegasque muttered, "then I'll take it, even though I feel like I want to dig my grave." Max let out a loud laugh, patting him on the shoulder as he sat on the side of the bed.

"So," Max started as he looked around the room, peaking into the bathroom and even opened her wardrobe, "did we win the bet?"

"Nope," Alessandra replied triumphally as she joined her driver under the sheets, making herself comfortable on the barely touched pillow, "no Mercedes team principal slept with me. Pay up, boys!"

"And here I thought I was truly winning everything yesterday," Charles grumbled as him and the guys took out their phones, tapped on it for a few seconds before 4 notifications popped up on Alessandra's phone that they paid up their deal of the bet.

"I don't want to drive tomorrow," Carlos groaned as he laid on the edge of the bed, "can I call Christian and tell him to pass?"

"If you were still with my team I would have considered giving you the day off," Alessandra joked, poking her tongue out at him.

"Can we get the day off?" Charles and Mick quickly asked at the same time, looking up at her with the most pleading puppy dog eyes.

"As much as I want to say yes, I can't " she sighed, "the three of us are going to be sat in the Ferrari garage for the next two days testing out tyres and gathering data." She chuckled when she heard the German let out a loud whine, whilst the Monegasque let out a muffled groan as he hid his face in the pillow.

Alessandra then spent the rest of the day with her family celebrating her achievements and just enjoy their company, especially her niece and nephews' as them and her brothers were heading back to New York and Japan the day after. She felt like she was on a high, listening to her family talk about proud they were of her, and how they were so glad to witness it all. She spent the whole day laughing, crying a little bit, and had her two little mascots sat on her lap, beaming up at her with pride that their Zia just won, and she couldn't be happier than that moment.

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