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Blank thoughts, head numb as you sit in your bed. Tousled hair, drool on your lips and a big yawn that leaves your lips.

A big cat like stretch and you fall back onto the sheets. Your nose picks up the sweet aroma of pancakes and your stomach grumbles.

The door to your bedroom opens and you smile the biggest smile. He walks in the room with a tray in his hand, plated up with the most beautiful breakfast.

"Happy Anniversary, love"

Your stomach erupts into many butterflies, as your heart thumps so fast for the one standing infront of you.

The love in his eyes, the sweet smile and all the care and thought he put into each and everything he does. And it's all for you.

For us.

A happy squeal, followed by little taps across the floor boards and into your arms jumps your adorable little boy.

"Good morning ma!"

You heart filled with joy as you look at your child, blessed by the Gods above with the most precious smile. You pepper little kisses onto his face as you hold him close, your child nuzzling into your neck, arms wide with the tiniest of force to hug you back as firm as possible.

You hear the rustle of sheets and you look up to see your husband climbing onto the bed towards you, gathering both of his worlds into his arms, completing the bond of reassurance.

You remember, him standing at the alter with the most awestruck smile as he witnessed you walking down the aisle.

You remember, the shine in his eyes. The shine that made the stars in the sky embarrassed. You remember, your heart beating loudly as the church bells rang and the winds blew, followed by rain.

The most beautiful shower. Like a blessing from the Gods above. You really wished that it would rain today too, a sweet reminder of why this day was special.

He has planned it all and the giddy smile on his face makes you feel young again as your heart skips a beat.

You're dressed up into your favorite dress and you put in all the effort to look pretty for him. Yet, he walks behind you and places his arms around you shoulders and you lean against his strong chest.

"You look breathtaking as always."

Dear you.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu