She chuckles and lets go, yet this time, our hands are together with our fingers curled. Nini leads me along the aisles again, stopping every time she notices a costume she likes. And every time, we find a partner costume for me to match hers.

After we have enough costumes and our arms are covered in stacks of fabric, we head to the fitting room and begin to try them on. Nini is in one cabin, I am in the next one. We decided to meet up in the small lounge when we're ready, so that we can see ourselves in the mirror.

The first costume we try on is the one of a royal couple. I put on the prince outfit and go in the lounge, waiting for her. The moment she steps out of the changing room, my breath stops. And I have to freeze. Nini looks stunning. But she doesn't just look stunning. She's perfect. Absolutely beautiful. The gown is like made for her, fitting her body like it's personally tailored. Her silhouette is shown off by the corset, followed by tulle skirt that spins around with every move she makes. The color of the gown is a bright red, matching her hair and lipstick. Everything about her is perfect. She looks like a dream. My daydream.

"Is everything alright?" she asks me after a while, noticing I haven't said anything. "Is it the dress? I know it's too much and it probably doesn't look good on me, but..."

I stop her by coming closer and pressing my lips on hers. "You're perfect", I say and kiss her once. "Absolutely perfect", I continue and give her another kiss. "Don't ever say you're not beautiful." Another kiss. "You're the prettiest girl on this planet and I can't believe you're mine to love."

She smiles and wraps her hands around my neck. "You're not looking bad yourself", she replies and kisses me once. "Handsome", she says. Another kiss. "Very handsome." She continues. Then, she comes closer to my ear and whispers: "So handsome it makes me want to give off your shirt and mark every spot of your chest."

I freeze and a chill goes through my body. Followed by a wave of heat. I tense and forget everything for a while. However, as I'm back in control of myself, I whisper back to her: "Seems like we have some plans for tonight."

She chuckles and kisses my neck again: "Yeah, you can say goodbye to the couch."

I swallow hard and she chuckles: "Don't think so dirty. I was meaning that you can sleep with me, with you hugging me. Nothing more."

"Yeah, right", I reply, which lets out a new type of laugh from her. It's raw and made out of a mix from nervousness and excitement. It's new, but I don't think it will take us much before we can call it familiar.

I bring Nini to the closest wall and make her lean against it with her back. I then slowly make my way around her neck, planting kisses on every free spot I can find. She takes a deep breath every time my lips meet her skin, making her shiver. I wonder if I should stop but as if she could read my mind, she pulls me closer and lets me continue.

I meanwhile arrived to her mouth, which I also kiss. I then go deeper and leave a small mark on her bottom lip. She can't help but shake once and repays me with a small mark on my lip. Another wave of heat. I'm kissing her lips, feeling her scent...

"Magnifique", a new voice tones from behind and makes us stop. Nini quickly makes me lets go of her and I come at her side, to be able to put a hand on her waist to protect her. We then both turn in the direction the voice came from, only to discover a woman around her seventies, probably the shop owner, with white hair and glasses on, wearing a knitted cardigan and a blue dress. She looks at us dreamy, as if she could see something she's lost just by looking at us.

"Magnifique..." she repeats, lost in thoughts. I meanwhile started wondering the reason why she spoke in French, yet, again as if she could read my mind, Nini leans closer to my ear and whispers: "French is Cordelia's second official language. Everyone here speaks English and French."

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