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"So how you liking LA so far?" the older gentleman asked.

I was now on my way to the apartment and I'm honestly in awe. Los Angeles might be just as beautiful, if not more, than what we see in movies.

"Well, from what I've seen so far, it's amazing! It's my first time here, in LA and the US" I replied to the driver.

He politely smiled at me and decided not to ask any more questions. Which I'm kind of glad he did because I was far too busy admiring the city around me. Everything looked like it was straight out of a magazine, even the people. I spent the entire car ride taking pictures and sending to my mom, letting her know I landed safely and was headed towards the apartment.

After some time, we arrived and the driver was kind enough to help me with my luggage. I made sure to tip him because he carried my luggage all the way to the entrance of the building. Such a nice guy. I check the information on my phone and proceeded to make my way towards the elevator. Looks like the apartment was on the fourth floor of this building, thank god there was an elevator. I don't know if i would've made it up the stairs with my stuff AND Kuma.

The elevator door opens and I walk down the hallway. Number 427. I nervously stand outside the door and am hesitant to knock. A sudden rush of anxiety overcomes me and I start asking myself a million questions.

What if they don't like me? What if this was mistake? I should go back home. What if I'm not good enough?

A sudden ding from my phone snaps me back to reality. It was a text message from my mom saying You got this. I love you. It's like she read my mind. I take a deep breath, shake it off and finally knock on the door.

"Coming!" A sweet voice from the other side of the door yelled loudly. After a few short seconds the door opened.

A girl opened the door, about my age maybe older, but wow was she beautiful. She had long black hair and beautiful eyes. She had the most beautiful smile and I could already tell she was extremely nice.

"Hey, you must be the new roommate, please come in," she stated as she stepped out of the way and let me come inside.
"I'm Jisoo Kim, welcome to LA," the young girl said with so much excitement behind her voice.

"Hi, I'm Jennie nice to meet you. Thank you so much for letting me stay with you guys on such short notice," I said nervously.

"Oh my gosh don't even mention it. My mom said that she and your mom were great friends back in high school. Any friend of my mom is a friend of mine, well daughter of my moms friend," Jisoo laughed as she helped bring in some of my bags.

"This place is amazing," I looked around and asked, "So will it be just us two or?"

The older girl replied, "Oh no no, there's four of us total. So it will be us two and Rosé, she's around here somewhere.  Rosé???!!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll be right there!" I heard a voice coming from one of the bedrooms.

Out comes an equally beautiful, tall, blonde from one of the rooms. She smiles at the sight of me and immediately goes in for a hug.

"Oh Hi!!!! You must be Jennie. Sorry I'm a hugger. My names Chaeyoung Park, but everyone calls me Rosé or Rosie. You can pick whichever one you like. Ahhh I'm so excited to meet you."

I was kind of taken aback from all the information she was throwing at me. I was taking mental notes and trying to remember everything she just said.

"Alright alright, calm down. Don't scare her away now," Jisoo lightly chuckled at the interaction.

"Hi Rosie it's so nice to meet you too. Wow you guys are so pretty and nice" I said with a light blush. They both noticed and giggled at the fact.

I quickly changed the subject when I heard a soft whine from Kuma, "I totally forgot he was here" I softly muttered to myself. "I really hope you guys don't mind, I brought my dog Kuma with me. He's a great dog and he won't be much trouble." I took him out of his carrier and carried him to show the girls.

"Oh my god he's so cuuuttteeeeee," both girls squealed in excitement and Rosé immediately carried him.

"Don't even worry about it. I also have my dog, Dalgom and Rosie has Hank. So as long as little handsome Kuma gets along with them, we should be all good," Jisoo said while petting him.

"Also, how is he around cats? Our other roommate has a cat and I wouldn't want Kuma to be scared," Rosé asked worriedly.

"Oh Kuma is super friendly and chill. He's never really been around a cat but whenever I take him on walks, he doesn't really pay them much attention, so I think he'll be fine" I replied while watching the two girls fall in love with my little Kuma.

"Speaking of, our other roommate should be flying in tomorrow. She has quite the journey every time she flies over here, it always takes so long. You'll most likely meet her tomorrow." Jisoo said while she put down Kuma, letting him roam around his new home.

A comfortable silence fell among us as we watched Kuma explore and sniff everything in his sight. I liked my roommates. As far as first impressions go, they totally nailed it. I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion carry over me. The 17 hour flight and the time change was now catching up to me.

"Alright so! There's  three rooms and two bathrooms. Two of us are going to have to share. This room has two beds we'll figure the rooming situation tomorrow when we're all here. But you can settle in here for now and rest up. I'm sure you're exhausted after your flight" Rosé motioned to the room while her and Jisoo put my stuff inside.

"If you need anything, please let us know. Don't be shy! Goodnight !!" Jisoo and Rosé said goodnight before walking out.

"Goodnight guys! Thanks again." I smiled to myself.

I plopped myself on the bed and closed my eyes. Home. This is going to be my new home for the next four years. I'm so glad that Jisoo and Rosé were so welcoming. I wonder if the other roommate is just as nice. Now that I think about, they never said her name. I'll find out soon enough.

I showered and got myself ready for bed. I gave Kuma some food and went to lay down. It was now 11pm and man was I tired. After texting and updating my mom on everything, I put my phone down to charge and snuggled with Kuma.

With every minute passing by, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into my sleep. I faintly hear someone open the door to the apartment along with a "Guyyyssss I'm herrreeeee". That must be the new roommate. It was impossible for me to open my eyes, let alone get up. So, I let myself fall asleep.

The last thing I hear is my roommates yelling,


Here's another chapter for y'all. Hope you guys like it. The girls are herrreeeee!!!!
Lisa has entered the chat 😎

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