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1st Edition is ready.

It made me happy 😊

I made a lot of decisions 2 ♥️
A lot of.. which appeared 2 be a good change from the past few days when I had not been mulling over them after having mulled over them & made veriveri decisions 🩵

I can already feel the Vibe 💛

Dad conveyed to me that this is the time for me to flourish, & that I need 2 go 2 somewhere else, away from All of Them -  especially MomDad 🩵💚

World is ~j~ of Our FamilyMoney & FamilyValues ♥️🩷 since our inception in Ireland. Such is the Cosmos

Anyways, I will be happy doing this..

It is My STAPLE, what I do every Month 🤣🤣

I love It 💓 & the World loves It 💕

I was already Famous in certain groups. Now is the time 2 tell a few other groups about US ❤️

I am sure they can deal with their demotions. We have always given them positive words 2  make their & Our World a better place with their usage of those words.

Else we also get marred in their jealousies.

HOPE - As Pierce Brosnan calls me for Him & All Of Consortium Is bringing In a New Thing on the 🍽️


It is on Instagram 🤣🤣

Ha Ha

Love ♥️

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