Under the crate was a square hole, walls lined with brick and cobwebs. Scooby-Doo moved and leaned down, sniffing at it, "It looks like a chimney." Both Shaggy and Lydia went to join him in looking down, vines and brambles following it down to the bottom.

"Yeah, and I don't think Santa's been down it for a while..." Shaggy chuckled nervously, leaning away from the chimney opening before grabbing Lydia by the shoulders, pulling her back to stop her from leaning closer into the hole, "You think it leads to the Darrow Mansion?" She asked, glancing up at everyone else.

Fred grinned back, "Only one way to find out!" When both Shaggy and Lydia moved out of the way, the blond hopped down into the chimney, pushing his hands and feet against the walls to brace himself, shuffling down a bit before dropping down and landing with a thud, "All clear, come on down!"

Daphne went next, shouting at Fred to catch her before jumping down. Everyone still in the boiler room flinched and cringed, hearing a loud thud followed by a groan of pain. "What'd you say, Daph?" Lydia glanced tiredly at Velma as Fred spoke, "Never mind..." Velma sighed at Daphne's response before dropping down the chimney next.

"Like, dude, time to drop out of college!" Shaggy grinned, laughing at his joke before Scooby jumped into his arms, the two jumping down into the chimney together. Lydia paused for a second to glance around, "Probably really dangerous mansion or a creepy boiler room..." She voiced out loud, considering her options before jumping as something creaked, "Okay, 'kay! Geronimo!" She jumped down the chimney, landing with a thud and a huff of pain.

She was helped up by Daphne, who made a face before fixing her turquoise hair, pulling a cobweb out just as a brick wall suddenly raised, blocking off the chimney. Fred ran towards it, hand smacking onto the brick just as it stopped moving. He felt around the wall, frowning, "It's sealed shut..." Then he turned to the gang, "Is everyone alright?"

"Like, define 'alright'..." Shaggy mumbled, "B-b-bones!!" Scooby yelped, picking up a mouse skeleton. It quickly turned to dust, everyone grimacing as it makes a small pile on the floor.

Lydia took a few steps away, glancing around while Daphne reached out to grab her arm, keeping her from wandering off, "Where are we?" Some rustling was heard as Velma pulled out and unraveled a piece of large paper, blueprints for Darrow University, "If I'm not mistaken... this is the Darrow Mansion!"

Suddenly, the abandoned hallway was filled with the sound of radio static, "Welcome back, Mystery Incorporated." A scratchy voice rang out. Everyone glanced up, an old 1920s radio hanging from the ceiling. The speaker was glowing a faint yet bright blue as the man spoke, "This time... you'll never leave!!" He laughed maniacally.

"Who are you and how do you know us?" Fred shouted, the speaker light dimming for a few seconds before lighting up again, "I'm surprised you've forgotten, Mr. Perfect-Big-Chin-Man!" Everyone shared confused, though still worried and fearful, glances at the comment, "Um, have you two met?" Daphne asked quietly.

Another laugh rang out, briefly cut off with coughing, "Oh, yes... Yes, I've been waiting a long, long time, and I'm ready for your return. Mystery Incorporated will not get out of this mansion alive this time!"

"This time?" Scooby and Lydia questioned at the same time, "Now, in honor of your return, I've set some very special traps!" Everyone could practically hear Fred suddenly buzz with excitement, worry gone. His sudden change in mood at the word 'traps' reminded Lydia of kids shows that had words of the day, and when the word was spoken, something fun and big happened. "Did you say traps?"

"That's right! Specially designed for my old visitors, Brad. You too, Judy! Cassidy-" The speaker quickly screeched like when a microphone got too close to the speaker it was connected to, "Ricky, and, of course, the ever cunning, Pericles." The gang shared confused glances before Velma took two steps forward, "Excuse me, demented speaker sir, there's been a misunderstanding... See, we're not-"

sonderling || mystery incorporatedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें