coffee and qualifying, oscar piastri

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it was summer days and I was just walking around admiring the nature while sipping some coffee in my hand.

but then, I bumped into someone and fell over. my coffee spilled on me "oh my fucking god-" I stand up and just accept the faith. "well, what can I do?"

"oh geez- I am so sorry, miss!! I didn't mean to bumped into you!! let me help you.." he take out something on his backpack and it was some tissues and wet wipes.

"can I have permission to wipe on you?" I take the wipe. "i can do it myself, sir. thanks" "no, no, no, it's my fault, I apologize.." he started to wipe the spilled coffee on my coat and I look at him.

he looks really familiar. his brown hair, those fingers and voice of him. I think I know this man. "well, there you go.." he throws the dirty wipe on the rubbish can.

"thank you so much, sir." we shake hands. "whats your name, miss?" his Australian accent. I knew it so well. "oh, sorry, my name is y/n." he nodded. "do you wanna grab some coffee while we have a nice chat?"

I nodded. "sure can if you want to." he grabbed my stuff on the ground and we went to the cafe. we sat down next to the window and he helped me order the coffee that I like.

"ok, so, um, what's your name?" I asked. "my name is oscar. oscar piastri." I smiles. "i see there, are you in rush or something and that makes you bumped into me?" he laughs and hand me the coffee.

"im not tho. it was my holiday today and I was about to go karting." I nodded while sipping the coffee. "thats cool tho. my mom doesn't allow me to play those. she said it dangerous."

he nodded and sit back while listening to me. "so, what do you do? I mean, what do you work?" I raised my eyebrow. "well, I am a mechanic and part time writer" he's shooked.

"oh wow, that's really cool. I've never found any write in real life. what did you write?" I giggles and shrug. "nothing much. I love writing Novel and I'm still making the oneshots. fictional oneshots."

"what is one shot?"

"oneshot is like a novel with some chapters. it doesn't care if the chapter is long or short. for example, for chapter 1 it's about jack met rose and the next chapter is about joe black. it's a different stories for each chapter."

he nodded. "i see that. how did you find the ideas?" I pointed into my head. "its all in here. combination of imagination and dreams. also, some from the movies I watched these days."

he look so surprised. "thats so cool tho" I look at my watch. "well, I gotta go or my boss will keep nagging at me nonstop." I took my coffee and get ready. "its nice meeting you, oscar piastri." we shakes hand.

"its nice meeting you as well, y/n. hope to meet you again one day." I smiles and walked away. but I heard someone called me when I turned back there were no one. so I walks straight to my office

oscar pov

shit, I forgot to ask for her number. I sigh and just give up. "well, I'll get it next time.." I take my coffee with me and started walks out.

after I went karting, I go to meet my mate, lando norris. we really caught up so well. so, I went met him I wanna tell all the things that has happened to me today.

2 PM, cafe

"hi lando" I sit at the table as him. "hey mate. how's your day?" I sigh deeply. "terrible. way terrible" and with that, I starts to tell the whole story. "damn, how did you miss the chance??"

I chuckles and sip my coffee. "i don't know man. I don't even think about it." he sips the coffee. "oscar, I guess you guys will get meet again. I have an idea." I look at him. "what?"

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