safe house (2)

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a few hours has passed, we live life as usual but at the same time i'm nervous because of kitzler man came to take her away.

so, I decided not to sleep tonight. “jack, wanna play chess?” she called me. “what?” she pointed at the game. “chess? you wanna play?” I shake my head. “oh c'mon, I don't have anybody to play with.” she seems disappointed.

“y/n, remember. I am here with you to save you and protect you. not for being friends or playing like that” she keep looking at me. “saving and protect me is your main point? like that?”

I nodded. “fine. I play it by myself.” she brought it upstairs and I kept looking at her. after she went upstairs, I cover my head. “fuck, why did you said like that to her?!” I need to do something. I knocked the desk.

“fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't know what to do oh my fucking god” I decided to go upstairs and pursue her. I knocked on the door and open it slowly. I watched her. she really played the chess by herself.

“your turn. ooo, that's hard tho” she switched position. “alright, your turn y/n.” different position, different character. “i feel bad for her” I whispered. “I WIN!!” she jumped and celebrated alone.

“y/n?” I went inside. she looks towards me and sat on the floor back. “im sorry that I said that.” “well, it's fine. you don't even know what the meaning of emotions.” I close my eyes and sigh.

“i know y/n what you feel-”
“and I know it's your job to take care or protect me from some shit dangerous peoples. I understand that.”

“i can play by myself like a little kid.” I went infront of her. “alright, let's play.” she looks at me up and down. “dont you have a work to do? your reports? operation? protect me or whatever?”

“y/n, I know it's hard for you being like this.”

“yes, it's fucking hard. first of all, I don't wanna any of this shit. second, I want my jack dawson, I really really regret that I followed my parents into that sinked ship. the third is, I want to live my normal life back. getting married, having children, my love life. you know”

oh god, what have I done. it's so out of topic. I hug her tightly. “im terribly sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to said like that. my main point is to protect you. it's my job.” while I explained to her, I caress her hair. to calm her down.

“please forgive me, y/n, hm?” I cupcheek her face. she looks away. “can I be your friend from now on?” I look into her brown eyes. she looks into my eyes either. “fine.” she smiles and I hug her.

“so, what should we play now?” she thinks. “do you know um, twistor game?” I nodded. “sure I know that. wanna play?” she nodded and we start playing. we played for about 3 hours. we having so much fun even though my job is to protect her.

but from now on, my main job is to protect her and make her happy. “do you have fun tonight?” I asked and she nodded happily. “thank you for playing with me.” she really appreciated that. “i never have so much fun like this in my life.” I smiles. “well, you got it now.”

she gave me a really tight hug. “i really appreciated it.” I pat her and swings. “ no problem. from now on, I'll make sure you're happy as well too.” she chuckles.

1230 pm

it's already midnight and I saw y/n already yawning at the couch while watching television. “you sounds sleepy, y/n, don't you want to sleep?” I still make my reports. “nope. it's too early.”

a couple of minutes later, she's done. she's fell asleep at the couch. I told ya. I turn off my laptop and lift her to the bedroom upstairs. before that, I secure the house for a second time.

random one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang