can i get a kiss? hank lecker

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I just went back from school after those horrible classes. I mostly hate history. a lot. it's make me- idk. so the thing is, this kid that I always heard his name in people's mouth. his name is Hank.

we all don't know what is his family name tho. we just all knew his only name. so, this kid is totally crazy and out of mind. he's really problematic in the school.

he's always uh, flying, smoking, swearing even in the class while the teacher is teaching, also he beats people for sudden. man, that is way too crazy for me. while I was walking out of the school building, I bumped into someone.

I fell over with my books. the man trying to help me, as soon I look into his face. it's Hank, with those blue eyes, blonde hair, pretty tall man, I was like. goddamn, I'm in trouble.

"sorry, are you okay?" I am not motherfucker. he helped me up and pick up my books. "im terribly so sorry, I didn't see you there." I nodded. "thats fine." then I walked away. but suddenly, I felt someone's arm hold me.

I look back. "are you y/n from the 2nd class?" I look him up and down and nodded. "yeah, I am. what's the matter?" he smiles. "theres nothing. you look familiar." then I walked away.

while I was walking to my house, there's so many things happened in one sight. there's some couple argue at the garden, an accident because a teenager in my age make a drift to show off to his girlfriend.

there's so many happened today. I walked inside my home. "mom, I'm home." I put down my backpack and books and get a cup of water for me. "hows school?" I sip my water.

"yeah, schools fine and someone bumped into me tho." she asked who. "do you know Hank?" she looks at me. "hank?" I nodded. "which Hank?"

"i don't know, we really don't know his family name. but he's pretty famous in our school." my dad snapped his finger when he's watching tv. "oh, that hank." we look at him. "you know him?" he nodded.

"honey, you know lee right?" she nodded. "hank is her son. he's really problematic I'm telling ya." I nodded. "yeah, I already know that, dad." he slightly nod. "hank actually a really nice boy. but, idk since when he changed and being like this. he's always trying to run away but I caught him many times."

"damn, why tho." wait a second- he caught him? "so that means, he lived near us?" dad and mom look at me in weird way. "y/n, he's our neighbour. he lived just across the street."

I fucking don't even know about this. "you kidding me." they laugh. "sometimes, dad, I usually caught him eating and doing EVIL things alone. like he doesn't have friends. and I actually know from his expression face. he's always depressed and not always smiling."

"i guess after hir parents divorce back in the days." I gasped. "his parents divorced?" she nodded. "thats so sad. I think that's the reason why he changed and acted this way."

"you could be his friend, y/n. I'm pity on him now." "what? you want me to be friends with him? dad, he's the problematic guy in our school duh." "i know. maybe you could change him in a better way? we don't know y/n."

"well, if you want me to, I'll do it." he smiles. "thats my girl." "hes pretty good looking aren't he?" my mom smiles. "oh god, mom!!" they laugh.

the next day, it's Saturday and we don't have anything to do. so, I went to Hank's house. I knocked on his door. then, a woman opened it. "oh, hi Mrs Lee." she was smoking. "oh, hi, sweetheart. do you need anything?" she throws away the cigarettes.

"um, is Hank here?" she stares into me. "hank? yea, he's here. why? did he make any problems again?" I shake my head. "no, no, that's not the problem. I just want to meet him for a sec." she let me in.

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