(Idk what to call it 😭) 10

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After being married for a year, Purpled found out that he was pregnant with his husband Tommy's child. He decided to break the news to their families at a family dinner gathering, which included Tommy's father Phil and Purpled's father Sam, as well as their siblings Punz, George, Wilbur, Techno Blade, and Dream.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was filled with anticipation as everyone waited for Purpled to share his exciting news. When he finally revealed that he was pregnant, the room erupted in joy and excitement. The news brought the two families even closer together and marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

As they celebrated the news of the new addition to the family, Phil and Sam congratulated their children and expressed their excitement at becoming grandparents. The siblings shared their excitement and offered their support to Purpled and Tommy as they navigate this new journey.

It was a heartwarming moment for everyone and a testament to the love and unity within their family. As they enjoyed the rest of the night together, they couldn't help but look forward to the arrival of their latest family member.


As the months went by, Purpled and Tommy prepared for the arrival of their little one. They spent hours designing the perfect nursery, reading books on parenting, and attending birthing classes. It was obvious to everyone that the two were deeply in love and were going to be amazing parents.

Finally, the day arrived, and Purpled went into labor. Tommy was by his side every step of the way, holding his hand and whispering words of love and encouragement. After a long and difficult labor, a beautiful baby boy was born, and the couple named him Shroud .

From that day on, Purpled and Tommy lived their lives filled with love, happiness, and the joys of parenthood. They watched as their little prince grew and flourished into a strong and kind-hearted young man who would one day become a ruler in his own right.

In the end, it was a happy ending for everyone involved, and the kingdom continued to prosper under the leadership of King Sam and his son-in-law, Phil. Purpled and Tommy's love story had become a legend in the land, and they were remembered as an iconic symbol of love and devotion for generations to come.

Prince Tommy and his Pretty privilege at its finest ( Purpledinnit ) Where stories live. Discover now