Overcoming Obstacles 6

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As Tommy and Purpled continue their courtship, they face many challenges and obstacles. One of the biggest challenges comes in the form of Prince George, Purpled's older brother and the future king of Hypixel.

Prince George doesn't approve of his brother's relationship with Tommy, and constantly tries to keep them apart. He even goes as far as to forbid Purpled from seeing Tommy altogether.

Tommy is heartbroken by this, but he knows that he and Purpled are meant to be together. So, he comes up with a plan to win over Prince George and convince him to accept their relationship.

Tommy spends weeks researching and studying everything he can about Hypixel's royal family and their traditions. He prepares a special dinner, inviting Prince George and his family over to the palace in an attempt to show them that he is serious about his commitment to Purpled and that he supports the traditions of their kingdom.

Despite being nervous, Tommy executes his plan to perfection. He impresses Prince George and the rest of the family with his knowledge and respect for their traditions. They see that he is a worthy partner for Purpled, and that he truly cares about their kingdom's values.

By the end of the night, Prince George tells Purpled that he approves of their relationship, and that he is happy to see his brother with someone who truly loves him. Tommy is overjoyed, and he knows that from this point on, he and Purpled can be together without fear of judgment or disapproval.

As they say their goodbyes and Prince George and his family leave the palace, Tommy and Purpled are left alone to bask in their love for each other. They hold each other close, knowing that they have overcome one of the biggest challenges to their relationship and that they have only grown stronger because of it.

This moment is so special to them that they even decide to create a new tradition of their own, a yearly dinner to commemorate the night when their love triumphed.

Prince Tommy and his Pretty privilege at its finest ( Purpledinnit ) Where stories live. Discover now