[ in which we begin the tale ]

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❝ you're not a monster.
you're a werewolf, like me. ❞


Sydney Stilinski always thought of herself as an outcast. Whether it was because of her odd, 80s grunge type style, or the fact that she had the ability to shapeshift into a human-wolf hybrid, she just never felt as if she fit in.

But, there was a group of friends in which she had eventually settled in with. They didn't know about her supernatural abilities, nor did she ever plan on telling them. But they did seem to accept her odd sense of style, which was good enough for her.

Sydney definitely never felt as though she was meant to be born into the Stilinski family. She shared nothing in common with her immediate family- traits nor looks. When she was younger, when her family would go out in public, she stuck out like a sore thumb. Unable to tan her soft, white skin, she looked like a ghost next to her tan-skinned family. She had landed with the silky light hair and a rounded jaw-line of her grandmother, as opposed to the defined, chiseled jawline and dark hair of her mother, father and brother. She always felt that she belonged with some Irish family, due to her reddish-tinted hair and pale skin. When they were kids, Stiles would always trick her into thinking she was adopted. And, for the longest time, she believed it was true.

But there was one thing that Sydney inherited from her immediate family. Wherever she went- whoever she met, they would always same the same exact thing.

You have you mother's eyes, Sydney, they would tell her.

Because of this, Sydney always felt as if she were some kind of anchor for her family. Because when her mother was diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia, a form of dementia that shrinks the brain and cannot be cured, her father turned to her, looked her straight in the eyes, and said, "momma will get better", almost as if looking into his daughter's eyes- the eyes that looked so much like his wife's- would cast some magical spell and make sure that whatever he said would come true.

And then the day her mother passed. Her light brown eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears, unable to process the fact that her mother- the woman who would tuck her in every night and read her bedtime stories and comfort her when she had bad dreams- was gone. And yet, even with those bloodshot eyes, her father still looked into her eyes, holding her 9-year-old brother close, and whispered to the two of them.

"She will never actually leave us. She'll always be watching over us."

And every day since her mother passed, whether it was before she fell asleep or on the way to school, Sydney's father would look into her eyes and smile, remembering his passed wife that still lived on in his daughter's hazel eyes.

But, whether she deserved the honor or not, being born into the Stilinski family meant being woken up at 5:30 am by Stiles singing- quite horribly- at the top of his lungs in the shower.

Sydney groaned, rolling over in bed at the horrible sound of her older brother singing. It was not the fact that he was a horrible singer that annoyed her- because she wasn't exactly Beyoncé herself- it was the fact that he had to do it so early in the morning, so loudly. It was as if he were trying to annoy the living hell out of his younger sister.

Of course, Sydney and Stiles Stilinski weren't your average brother and sister. Sure, when they were younger, they seemed to hate each others guts- trying their hardest to make the other cry their eyes out and go running for their mother. But as they grew older, they eventually got over that little stage, growing closer and closer each year. Now, with Sydney being a freshman and Stiles, a junior, they seemed to be the best of friends. They told each other everything and protected each other from anything and everything that crossed their paths. Of course, Sydney had a bit of an advantage- with her supernatural strength and senses. But Stiles still tried his best to protect his baby sister from the dangers within the small town of Beacon Hills.

After rubbing her eyes and stretching for several minutes, Sydney finally built up enough energy to hop out of bed. She trudged over to her closet, flicking on the light switch whilst doing so, and began rummaging through her clothes.

Normally, checking her phone would be the first thing she did in the morning, but today was different. Her alarm never went off at the time she set it for- 5:30- which meant she had about a half hour to make herself look presentable before her and her brother had to rush out the door and head to the school for early morning lacrosse practice. Honestly, Sydney could not wait until she received her drivers license, so she would no longer have to hitch a ride from her brother and attend practices every other morning. She had the choice of riding the bus to school, but she would rather attend morning practice every day at 6:00, rather than ride the bus one day, due to several personal experiences with horny seniors.

Sydney finally ended up choosing a graphic tank-top with the Beatles on it, with an over-sized plaid flannel to go over it. She settled with a pair of worn, black skinny jeans with a pair of high-top Chuck Taylor's.

She quickly dressed herself, thankful that Stiles's horrible singing no longer echoed throughout the quiet house. She could hear Blink-182 playing from her brother's room, but thankfully, he decided against singing alongside his favorite band.

Sydney plugged in her flat iron and began working on her make-up, settling on something natural- light brown eye shadow, with a thin line of dark brown eyeliner, and to top it off, a few strokes of mascara.

"Are you ready, sis?" Stiles poked his head into the doorway, his fingers tapping an unknown rhythm onto the frame as he looked at his younger sister, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, almost. I just have to do something with my hair..." Sydney trailed off as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess; she still hadn't brushed it nor straightened it. She sighed impatiently and began running a brush through the tangles.

"Just throw it in a bun or something," Stiles said flatly. "It'll go good with your little grunge style you have going there. It's not like you are dressing to impress anyone."

Sydney pursed her lips, realizing that her brother had a point. She finished untangling her hair before grabbing a hair band from the drawer, pulling her hair into a messy bun. She pulled a few short strands out, letting them fall down the side of her face before popping her lips and turning to her brother.

"You look beautiful," he assured her in his famous, brotherly tone that she heard all too often. "Now, come on. Coach won't ever let me hear the end of it if I'm late to another morning practice."

He disappeared out of the room before he even finish speaking, his voice growing fainter as he headed down the stairs. Sydney quickly unplugged her unused flat iron, grabbing her books and shoving them into her backpack before heading out the door after her brother.

Stiles had already gotten into his Jeep and started the engine by the time Sydney made it out the door. He beeped the horn once, causing her to jump slightly as she struggled to lock the door. She shot her brother a playful glare as she hopped into the passenger seat beside him, throwing her backpack on the floor and buckling her seat belt. Sydney sucked in her last breath of freedom as Stiles began backing out of the driveway, his radio blaring Green Day enough to fill the silence of the car ride to hell.


// Hey there :)
I'm glad that you have decided to click on this story, and I hope that you have enjoyed the first chapter.
I am very excited to share the story I have written with you all, and I hope you will all enjoy it
I'll be updating twice a week, as this story is pretty long. Look for a new chapter every Tuesday and Thursday :)
Now, in order to get this story going, I will be posting the second chapter today as well.
Again, thank you for reading, and please vote, comment, and share ^-^ \\

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