
They do. After all introductions were made, the boys resumed the game and the kids led Ariel by the hand to the playground. Lydia sat at the table with Allison, joining the others who were there before. Danny is the only one who left, now walking around the park with Noah.

"Some family you got here," Lydia says, turning to John and Melissa. "Did you always want a big family?" The older couple exchanges a sad look that makes Lydia feel a little uncomfortable, like maybe she said the wrong thing. "Oh, I shouldn't have..."

"Oh honey it's fine, don't worry. You won't know if no one tells you, right?" Melissa smiles at Lydia and moves on her seat so that she's facing her. "So my husband left me when Scott was just a kid, and Stiles' mom..." She glances at John, putting her hand above his and squeezing softly. "She passed away when he was little too. And Scott and Stiles are best friends, always were. Like brothers, really. They are inseparable, so inevitably all of us spent a lot of time together. Around the time the guys were in high school, John and I started dating and got married after their graduation. And not too long ago we decided to adopt this little girl. I guess it was about time, you know?"

John continues. "What she's trying to say is that yes, we wanted a big family, but life happened and things got in the way. But we're getting the hang of it now. And our family is so much more than blood." He looks around. "It's more than we could have asked for." He returns his gaze to Melissa and they kiss, and it's a kiss so full of love that Lydia almost looks away. It's not something she sees every day, unfortunately.

She turns to Braeden. "And why three C's? Carter, Charlotte and Chloe, right?"

Braeden laughs. "It's kind of stupid actually. Derek and I were out the night I found out I was pregnant with Carter and we'd had a little too much to drink, so somehow we agreed that as my name started with a B and his with a D, it was logical that our kids should have names that start with C. We chose a lot of names that night and some just wouldn't get out of our heads the next day, so we stuck with it."

"Well, they are adorable."

"Oh just wait." Allison retorts. "They don't stop, like ever. They are always running around."

"Well they are kids, Allison. Not all of them can be shy and quiet like Eric."

Lydia intervenes. "Eric didn't look so shy. Not with Ariel, anyway. Just a little at first, maybe..."

"Well I think he likes her. They are so cute together!"

Everyone turns to the playground, happiness on their faces as they see their kids.

"You sound like Stiles. He said the same this morning," Lydia points out.

Allison lowers her voice. "So we are talking about Stiles now, is it?"

Lydia gets defensive. "No, I just meant..."

"You and I are going for a walk. There's a lot we have to catch up on." Allison doesn't even let Lydia answer, just grabs her by the arm. "Braeden, would you please keep an eye on the kids? Since obviously Cora's mind is somewhere else."

At the sound of her name, Cora turns to the girls. She's been sitting on the table with them the whole time but it's like she's not even there. "What?"

"Let me guess. Daydreaming of Isaac again?"

"Can you blame me? He's hot and he's gonna marry me. And have you seen him running? God, is it hot in here?"

The girls laugh. Allison starts leading Lydia away taking Claudia with them on her arms, only turning around to mutter to the others "We might take a while."

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