Start from the beginning

Amelia's dad has nothing to do with her at this point. He's been in Hawaii with his new wife and she hasn't seen him in over a year.

I haven't seen Dad since last Christmas— it's June. Just because mine shows up once a year doesn't mean he is any better than Amelia's dad.

I groan out. "Fine. What time did you say he's coming here?" I ask. Mom nods approvingly and holds up seven fingers. I glance at the time.




"Rebecca he's here!" Mom hisses as I shove a bobby pin through my messy bun. I don't understand why I try to wear a messy bun because I always end up making it look— not messy.

"Okay!" I whisper as I slip out of the bathroom. I feel a pit of dread form in my stomach as I make my way down the hallway.

"—you've gotten so big. You're going to be as tall as me one day." I turn the corner and see my father, Pete Mitchell, ruffling Amelia's hair. She tries to fight back a smile as she pushes him away. He pats her head and looks up at me.

He gives a lopsided grin. "Hey Rebecca."

I smile back. "Hey Dad." I open my arms and we share a nice, but very awkward hug. "Whatcha been up to?"

"Oh you know just fighting for our country." He shrugs as we pull away. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just trying to find a steady job." I shrug just as lazily as he did.

He gives a thin lipped smile and looks to my mom. "What've you been up to Pen?"

"Don't look at me like that." She snaps. "Don't you two have somewhere to be?" Mom gives him a challenging look.

He nods his head. "Yes we do." He gives me a nervous look. "How do you feel about Rhythm & Racks?"

I snarl my nose. "Isn't that a strip club?"

"What?! No! It's a cool— hip bar." He shakes his hips and glances at Amelia. "That's how kids talk nowadays right?"

She widens her eyes and grimaces. "Becca, please get this old timer out of here."

Dad rolls his eyes and nods towards the door. I shut the door and look to him. "Seriously though, is it a strip club?"


We enter Rhythm & Racks (not a strip club) and head straight to the pool tables. I'm not exactly in a bar food mood, nor will I ever be.

The bustling billiard hall is filled with the sound of clinking balls and lively chatter. The room is adorned with pool tables and neon lights, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Dad grabs a cue stick from the rack while I select another one nearby.

"Alright, Rebecca, time to show me your pool skills." Dad wiggles his eyebrows. You can hear the excitement in his voice which is sweet I guess.