We all got off of the plane and we got our luggage.

You couldn't see it in my face, but in my heart I was really excited.

"Alright, let's put our luggage in our hotel and then go shopping because I want some LA clothes!" I exclaimed, I've never been to LA so i was very excited.


We got into a taxi and ask them to drive us to Hotel __ which is the Hotel that's "coincidentally" next to the Hotel that Hotel Tokio is staying at.

And before you ask, yes I did choose this Hotel out, I wanted to be in the Hotel they were in but the Hotel wouldn't allow anyone else in the Hotel besides Hotel Tokio so it wasn't overflowing with people, so I got Ella and I a room at the place next to them.

Smart thinking.

Ella and I get all situated in the Hotel by putting our bathroom stuff away and our clothes hung up and we fix ourselves up etc.

Re-touching up our makeup and fixing our outfits and we grab our purses and wallet and we're out the door.

Downtown LA.


"Isn't it just amazing down here?!" Ella exclaims and I'm just as excited as her.

"Yes it's beautiful!" I agree.

I start looking for places for us to shop but not too expensive, but we want nice clothes.

"Where are you thinking?" I ask Ella, hoping she gives a promising answer.

She points to what seems to be a gas station.

"A gas station?" I say confused, yet we still walk into it.

"Yeah I'm hungry." Ella explains.

She could've chosen any other place like a restaurant or something but a gas station?!

We walk into the gas station and greet the cashier person, she immediately walks to the snacks and I go over to the drinks.

As I'm going over to the drinks I turn my head while walking to see if Ella is still where the snacks are, and I smack hard into someone also not paying attention.

No fucking way.

"Oh shit, I'll call you back later." The person says as they help me up.

"I'm so sorry I was paying attention I was—" I start getting frantic when I realize who it is.

"It's all good I wasn't paying attention either." He helps me up, his grip is so strong.

I can't help but stare at him and I don't say anything I'm too shocked.

"Are you alright?" Tom asks.

I break out of the stare and realize he's talking to me.

"Uh ye I'm good, great now..." I quietly say as I just admire his face.

Gosh he is so dreamy. OH MY GOD ITS TOM KAULITZ?!

The realization once again hits me like a brick and he starts to speak again.

"I'm To—" He tries to introduce himself but I can't help to interrupt.

"Tom Kaulitz, I know who you are, Lilly." I say and I put my hand out to shake his hand.

He nods and shakes my hand back, confused on how casual I'm being, but inside I am melting.

"That's a cute name Lilly, but I've really got to go I'm sorry." Tom explains and waved goodbye to me slowly letting go of my hand.

He's smiling. Tom Kaulitz smiled at my oh my goodness.

"LILLY DID YOU JUST TALK TO TOM KAULITZ?!" Ella starts to freak out because I really just did.

"I really did, I'm gonna explode no way I just did." We both start jumping up and down and getting excited.


We went shopping into many stores after that, we mainly got more outfits for the concert, one in specific being low rise shorts with a tank top crop that has stripes on it with a star on the left waist part with a matching belt with stars on it.

Ella got another mini skirt yet this time it had frilled out at the ends instead of being a skinny mini skirt. That's all she bought though because she had the perfect shirt to go with it back at the hotel.

"Do you wanna do something crazy?" Ella asks.

"Tell me." I say, eager to find out.


Authors note:

This was more of a longer chapter but I didn't wanna make it too long so I'm cutting it here.

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