Chapter 7: Múnus

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Four fifty in the morning.

The hunter? He was there, sitting, pensive, waiting for his imposed team. He had never worked with a team before. This would be the first time. It was evident that he was apprehensive about how that experience would be.

Five minutes to five in the morning, and the convoy arrived, loaded with the soldiers who would join the search.

"Is this the hunter, Colonel?" one of them asked right after leaving the truck.

"Ask him, Mr. Straus," the Colonel suggested.

Straus: Explosives expert. Orphaned since the age of eleven, nosy, showy, and helpful. Talks as much as he likes to help. One meter and seventy-three centimeters tall, seventy-five kilograms, shaved head, and physically fit for any suggested activity. Blowing things up for twenty-five years.

"Yes, I am the hunter," Logan replied before the annoyance.

"Oh, Straus is already talking..." Artemis commented.

Artemis: Stealth expert. Trained in the suburbs and then at the best combat academies of the new America. Black, slender, waist-length hair with several braids. Strong with very attractive features.

"Let's get going! Time doesn't rest!" ordained the Colonel.

"How many are there?" Logan asked.

"Let's go! Jason and Nora! What's taking so long?" the Colonel asked.

"Chill, boss! We're getting the weapons!" a voice from behind the jeep said, unable to distinguish if it was Jason or Nora.

"Where do we put the toys?" Jason asked, accompanied by Nora.

"Put them in the aircraft," Logan indicated.

"Hunter, this is Jason... And that's Nora," the Colonel introduced.

Jason: Sniper and, despite not appearing so physically, an electronics specialist. One meter and eighty-eight centimeters of muscular mass weighing ninety-five kilograms, with short brown hair. Serious and focused, he got along very well with Nora.

Nora: Her weight deceives everyone... One meter and sixty-eight centimeters to carry her one hundred kilograms. Between the excess weight and the muscular build, she managed well. As agile and dynamic as her weak Portuguese, but extremely charismatic and beloved.

"Soldiers! This is your guide and commander on the mission. He is the highest authority. Jason? Have you installed the chips?" the Colonel asked.

"Right away, Colonel!" the specialist volunteered, taking the pistol from the first Jeep and inserting the chip into each one's neck.

"What is this? This won't go in my neck... I'm a hunter," Logan protested.

"Calm down, Logan. This is for us to track you in case communication fails... It's important. Please..." the Colonel explained.

"For Felline's sake..." Logan muttered softly.

Jason approached, and with Logan's consent, he applied the nano chip to his neck.

"Very well... We trust you... Bring us Dr. Gerlane and Groanbold... Now go!" the Colonel dismissed them.

They all boarded the sophisticated aircraft that resembled a helicopter, and Jason took control of the craft.

"Wow! I've never seen a beauty like this..." Jason commented.

"Do you know how to pilot it?" Logan asked, sitting beside him.

"We'll find out!" Jason said sarcastically.

The aircraft took off, and when at the appropriate altitude, it headed north... To the former North America.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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