Chapter 4: The Search

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The Lieutenant Colonel sent the message through the vast and revitalized São Paulo, making it resonate in all the colonies, from Brazil to the Orient.

The message said:

"Dr. Fléa Gerlane is missing.

Anyone who knows her whereabouts, please report to the Regent of the local Superior Administration.

For anyone who knows her location and informs us, upon verification of the information's accuracy, two thousand Plãs (current global currency) will be rewarded."

The message spread quickly. Two thousand Plãs was a lot of money in the new world, and now of course, everyone wanted to find Dr. Gerlane.


A week and a half after the initiation of Project Groanbold, Dr. Gerlane remained missing. That's why the council gathered again, or what was left of it.

"Doctors, I know you are still very concerned about Dr. Gerlane and so am I... We know that nothing can be rebuilt without her," said Dr. Jefferson, opening the meeting.

"Indeed, Mr. President, and we are concerned that the automaton has been unseen and unlocated for such a long time," Dr. Ahudad chimed in. "Furthermore, it may have been intercepted by one of the factions or the Libertahd's group.

The Libertahd's: a group of people who rejected the government of the Superior Administration and don't recognize the Regents as leaders.

"I have the same apprehension as Dr. Ahudad, Mr. President," expressed Dr. Sumitsuo. "We cannot let our splendid creation roam freely... We must send someone to find them! Perhaps deploy a Seeker (aerial technology robots widely known for their search coverage, but also quite alarming)."

"No my dear colleagues... This task requires a hunter," suggested the president.

Hunters are formidable men, raised during the years of war, and today, experts in stealth, masters of the underground, knowing everything with precision, unafraid of anything, not even the Zhivoyers, the infected.

"Perhaps Dr. Jefferson is right," said Dr. Ahudad. "But where would people like us find a hunter?"

"We won't. But I know someone who knows and can help us", answered the President.

Silence filled the room. The meeting was adjourned, but the uneasiness remained with them.

They needed a hunter.

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