Chapter 2: The Beginning II

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— Dr. Lorne? Are you okay? — the security guard asked during his morning rounds.

— Dr. Lorne? Can you hear me? Are you okay? — the guard asked again as Dr. Lorne groaned in response.

— Hello, Frank... Ah... What happened here?... — Dr. Lorne said, regaining his memory — so it worked...

— Dr. Lorne? What worked? ... Dr. Lorne?! — the young guard insisted.

— I'm fine, Frank... Have you seen Dr. Gerlane? Is she okay? — the scientist asked, looking towards the end of the testing bridge — Have you seen her, Frank? — he repeated the question before Frank could answer.

— No, sir. You're the only person I've seen on this shift — the young security guard replied.

— The Bio-Robot is no longer in the possession of F.L.A.R.E. We need to gather the council! — the scientist said after standing up and heading out.

Hours later...

The three council members were gathered in the F.L.A.R.E. office, waiting for Dr. Lorne. The office was located in Brazil, the optimal worldwide location for the development of Project Gb. Everyone was tense, expecting bad news.

Okida Sumitsuo: Newly appointed council member, a Mechatronics and Electronics engineer with extensive experience in the field. He was Japanese, from Chiba, 32 years old, married with two children. He was practical and direct, the recipient of the International Award for Mechatronic Sciences. He was responsible for designing the mechatronic integration in Groanbold's muscles and assisted in the programming of its matrix operating system. He was 1.62 meters tall, physically fit, with short black hair.

Austin Jefferson: Psychologist, psychiatrist, and scientist responsible for the major advancements in the Unconfined Artificial Intelligence (UAI) of Project Gb (Groanbold) due to his extensive knowledge of the human mind and its areas. He was highly regarded among the best in his specialties. He was American, from Salt Lake, 32 years old, widowed with a teenage daughter to raise. He was reserved, thoughtful, and a lover of futuristic ideology. He was the President of the Council, 1.86 meters tall, slim, with short dark blond hair.

Farir Ahudad: Computational mathematician, physicist, scientist, and aerospace engineering enthusiast. He was responsible for developing various aerial mechanisms in Project Gb (Groanbold) and was a co-author of the mechatronic integration of Groanbold's muscles, as well as assisting in complex calculations for the development of Unconfined Artificial Intelligence (UAI). He was Indian, from Rohtak, married, 32 years old, friendly, 1.69 meters tall, slim, with short black straight hair.

Eric Lorne: Robotic and Information Technology engineer, creator of the revolutionary Nanophotonic chip technology, which allowed for a fascinatingly evolved 3,000 times response compared to the previous used in the Unconfined Artificial Intelligence (UAI). He was passionate about robots and their derivatives. He was Brazilian, from São Paulo, single, 32 years old, well-built, 1.78 meters tall, black, and a genius with a complex and difficult personality.

— Gentlemen! I apologize for the delay... I was in the infirmary undergoing tests — Dr. Lorne said as he entered the room.

— You're forgiven, Dr. Lorne... — Dr. Jefferson responded meticulously — now let's get straight to the matter at hand this morning.

— Very well, gentlemen, a tragedy has occurred... And Project Groanbold is active and out of our control — Dr. Lorne informed them without showing surprise or concern.

— Dr. Lorne, we were informed that you were present and unconscious on the testing bridge this morning — Dr. Sumitsuo spoke, getting straight to the point — what were you doing there?

— What else do you know about Groanbold's disappearance, Dr. Lorne? — Dr. Ahudad pressed on — and about the broken main control?

— Gentlemen, Dr. Gerlane is also missing, I believe Groanbold has taken her... — he commented, apparently evading the questions.

— Dr. Lorne, why do we have the impression that you are involved in this disappearance? — Dr. Sumitsuo questioned sharply.

— Gentlemen... — Dr. Lorne said patiently, bothering the others.

— Dr. Lorne, the head of security is on his way... You have ten minutes to explain what happened on the testing bridge this morning — Dr. Jefferson, the Council President, informed him.

— Very well. The truth will come out sooner or later... — Dr. Lorne whispered.

— I have achieved perfection in Project Groanbold — he continued, lowering his head with a smile on his face.

— The Unconfined Artificial Intelligence is now truly free! — Dr. Lorne exclaimed, barely containing his excitement — We didn't know it, but we were creating the next generation of humans! Groanbold will assist in all of this with its quantum brain!

— Dr. Lorne, do you understand what you've done? — Dr. Ahudad asked, saddened — You have broken the oath to keep F.L.A.R.E.'s research and developments confidential. You have also betrayed the council and put the rest of this nation at risk!

— There is nothing more important than evolution after creation — Dr. Lorne spoke, agreeing with the accusations.

— You have gone mad, Dr. Lorne! — the president exclaimed, standing up.

— And what about Dr. Gerlane? Where is she? — Dr. Sumitsuo inquired.

Someone knocked on the door, requesting permission to enter.

— Come in! — the president exclaimed.

— Excuse me, gentlemen, sorry for the delay... What is the reason for the urgency? — the Lieutenant Colonel asked.

— Lieutenant Colonel, take Dr. Lorne into custody, charged with treason and conspiracy against F.L.A.R.E. and the council. He should be detained until his proper trial — Dr. Jefferson, the president, informed him.

— Are you certain of this, Mr. President? — the Lieutenant Colonel questioned.

— Yes, Lieutenant, do it immediately... — the president confirmed and continued — issue an urgent announcement about the disappearance of Dr. Gerlane and make it national.

— Immediately, Mr. President! — the Lieutenant Colonel obeyed, handcuffing Dr. Lorne and escorting him out of the office.

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