Chapter 21: ~Its just a fever right.?..~

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Amelia's POV:

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy and a bit hot as I was waking up but I was also sweating rapidly.

I discard it as a feeling when the weather's to warm so I just slept on it hoping the feeling would soon go away..

Mother Miranda's POV:

I was about to go downstairs to have some breakfast and coffee already chuckling at the fact that her daughter, Amelia, might be inhaling her food since it was pancakes this friday.

But to my surprise no one's at the table there's o little girl inhaling her food, no maidens running around the dining area its like a ghost town.

I went straight to the kitchen and called out to Ana who was making her coffee.

"Yes my lady?" she asked "have you set Amelia's breakfast yet?" "no my lady...her chambermaid told me the young miss is sleeping in her chambers".

I thanked her as I went straight to Amelia's chambers 'well that was odd even for Amelia' I thought to myself as it wasn't odd for Amelia to sleep in from time to time but she always wakes up before me.

When I opened the door, I sighed in relief to see Amelia sleeping peacefully on her bed as I went up to her bed I noticed Amelia sweating rapidly.

I immediately wipe hr temple with the back of my hand only to feel her forehead heating up.

"Amelia, dear wake up" I said calmly but the panic was slowly coming up, then Amelia opened her eyes slowly "mama..." she said weakly and huskily "yes my dear, mama's here.." I said with a soft look in my eyes.

I helped her sit up slowly "are you feeling okay mon chéri?" she shaked her head as she rested her head on my arm.

I caressed her back slowly to give her some comfort and leaned and kissed her forehead.

"M-mama.?..w-why do I feel l-like this.?.." she asked so innocently I smiled softly "you have a fever mon chéri...but dont worry I'll make you feel all better alright?" she nods.

I leaned and kissed her forehead again "je t'aime ma petite" {I love you my little one}.

"j-je te aime m-maman" {I love you mama} she replied

I sighed as I start to worry for her...It felt like history is repeating itself I convince and repeated to myself..

'Its just a fever right.?...'

~To Be Continued~

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