Chapter 15: ~A Lesson To Be Learned~

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Amelia's POV:

It was a cold morning I got up and went to my bathroom to freshen up you know my morning routine.

I went downstairs to go have some breakfast.

"Good morning mon chéri" mother greeted "good morning too mom!" I said while she softly smiled as the maiden was bringing my breakfast "now what do you want to learn today?" "learn?" I said curiously on what she was referring too.

"Yes, I thought you want to learn french and romanian" "oh yea but...aren't you busy?.." I said "no, I'm not darling I made sure of it" then I smiled widely and excited on whats to come since I've never learned a second language before.

After breakfast we went to the library mother grabbed a few french language books and sat down next to me and started teaching.

Mother Miranda's POV:

I cleared my schedule for the day so I could spend some time with Amelia and I decided to teach her french today.

After breakfast we immediately went to the library I looked through the shelves of the library for beginner french books to teach Amelia one step at a time.

I started teaching Amelia and I was surprised on how fast she picked it up we started with simple words then it became phrases and it proceeded to progress to full sentences!.

"Alright I'll test you okay mon chéri?" "okay" she replied

"comment allez-vous aujourd'hui ma chère?"
{how are you today my dear?}

"Je vais bien et je profite de mon temps avec ta mère!"
{I'm fine and I'm enjoying my time with you mother!}

she chuckled and smiled

"mon cher tu m'a vraiment surpris et tu apprends si vite je suis si fier de toi!"
{my dear you really surprised me and your such a fast learner I'm so proud of you!}
I said with a proud smile.

Amelia smiled widely and hugged me tight with light tears on her eyes and I hugged her back.

"J'aime ta mère!"
{I love you mother!}

she shouted

"je t'aime aussi mon cher"
{I love you too my dear}

I replied

~To Be Continued~

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