Shawn's embrace tightened around him. He didn't ask about what Larry did. He just held Miles. "I'm glad you have each other."

"Me too," Miles whispered.

"You know what would be easy to do?" Shawn asked as he kissed Mile's temple. "Ruining Larry's business." 

Miles laughed. "I'm sure."

Shawn shifted, pinning Miles on his back and hovering over him. "As easy as breathing for me. And it would be a helluva faster than taking down Eclipse."

Miles' breath stuttered. "You're serious?"

"Of course."

Miles bit his lip. "What about the people working for him? Their jobs could be their only means of a livelihood."

Warmth spread through Shawn's chest, and he leaned forward to kiss Miles. "How the hell are you so kind?"

Miles snorted. "That's a subjective opinion."

Shawn kissed him again. "Let me put Larry in his place, please?"

Miles closed his eyes, imagining it. He had to admit; it was a beautiful picture. Still, he wasn't sure if he should go down that route. He already relied too heavily on Shawn for his fight against Eclipse.

"Miles," Shawn murmured and trailed kisses up his neck. "Don't overthink my offer. The Andersons own a mid-level equity firm, and I can absorb it into the Pierce's firm. No one loses their job except the obvious CEO, and I obtain more revenue. You're doing me a favor by allowing me to take out competition."

Miles groaned. "I still feel like I'm asking too much of you."

"You technically haven't asked me anything except to use my recording studios. If anything, I've been very greedy in our relationship." Shawn said with a smile, still planting small kisses on his neck and collarbone. 

Miles fell silent again. Technically his grandparents would be financially stable. They live off their investments and have nothing to do with Larry's business. The only ones who would suffer would be Larry, Madeline, and Will.

He released a long breath. "I honestly would love to see them struggle. As long as it's not inconvenient or a risk to you, I suppose I'm on board."

There was a mischievous glint in Shawn's eyes, and Miles could tell that he was drafting his plans. "This is going to be so much fun."

Miles scrunched his nose. "Hostile business takeovers? Fun? Gross."

"It's a fucking rush," Shawn said as he nuzzled into the crook of Miles' neck. "Especially when everything falls into place. In fact, you'll see the fruit of our labors for Eclipse within the next few days."

Miles jolted. "You're bringing him down so soon?"

"I wish," Shawn sighed. "We're just delivering a hard blow. It's going to be the turning point, though. Hopefully, it will distract him enough that he is no long so brazen with you."

"Whatever you're doing now is working. I haven't heard from him for a while."

Shawn gently caresses his jaw. "Can you promise me something?"

Miles smiled and leaned into his touch. "Anything."

"Don't give Brian a chance. He might threaten you, making you believe your only option is to give in, but it's not."

"I know—" Miles started, but Shawn shook his head, cutting him off. 

"The things we are uncovering are... disconcerting. Eclipse conducts business worse than I ever imagined. He might say something that will make you feel backed into a corner. He may even threaten your family." 

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