Tweny One.

7 0 0

I was driving home with my headlights on since it became dark outside.

Saebyuk was looking at the window, actually I think she's sleeping.

When there was a red light, I'll check if she's asleep.

She wasn't, surprisingly.

"Hey Saebyuk," I said and glanced at the rear view mirror, "are you ok?"

"The gunshot was so loud, I don't wanna deal with guns and stuff anymore." She said in a quiet voice.

"It's ok. When I first shot my pistol, I was scared too. And one time, someone was threatening me too." I said and looked left and right to turn.

"But how do you deal with someone who you shoot and still live normally?" Saebyuk asked.

"So, when I was on my first ever duty to Jeju Doe, we were on a three men duty to find a little boy who was kidnapped and brought to a cellar in Ulsan. And to be completely honest, I didn't wanna shoot my pistol. But I had to. There was no turns about this guy so, I shot him." I said and opened my garage door and carefully inched forward.

"How did you deal with the trauma you felt and the guilt?"

"These are really bad guys. So, I don't mind shooting and possibly killing someone who wants to hurt innocent people. Well, now I guess." I said and slumped in my chair on my coffee table.
I woke up from Saebyuk's alarm.

Welp, I guess I should wake up too.

It was Thursday.

As I was reading my thousands of emails, one email caught my eye.

It was from Saebyuk's college.

"The Seoul University College Campus is closed for fife days due to a shooting incident."

"Oh, hey Saebyuk." I said and she showed up in the counter.


"Your college is closed for fife days due to your ex-friend." I said.

"Cool. I can sleep an extra three hours." She said and put moisturizer on her face and walked to her bed.

And sure enough, I also grew sleepy too, so I walked to my bed and lay face down for three hours.

When I woke up, it was eleven.

I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready. While I was brushing my teeth, I checked on my emails for Jackson, but there were no emails to read.

I apparently read all of them and there was no more left.

Then there was an email just now.

It was from Jackson.

"There's a problem with Crystal Meth in Korea. Are you willing to go check it out?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and spat out the toothpaste in my mouth and begun to wash my face.

When I was done, I asked, "Where is the affair taking place?"

"Gangseo District, it's near the south."

"Got it." I said and closed my phone screen and begun to wash my face.

After I was done with everything in my bathroom, I went downstairs to tell Saebyuk, possibly the last time I could see her again.

"Hey, have a good day if I don't see you again. I'm on a duty that's very dangerous." I said and smiled sadly.

"Oh, then here." She said and embraced me tightly.

I realized she was crying.

"Hey, it's ok." I said and smiled sadly.

"I don't want you to go.." She sniffed and hugged me more tighter.

"I don't have a choice, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I said and hugged her for a few more seconds.

I broke the hug and wiped my eyes with the back of my hands.

"You can eat whatever you want if I don't make it." I smiled and walked out the door.

Saebyuk nodded and wiped her eyes with her hands.


A/N: sad sad. :(

and Gangseo District is a real place in korea and it's dangerous to go there.

Carry Me Out | (Creative Artists Agency LLC Mark Tuan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ