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As I was driving, the car continued to follow us down the streets of Suwon She.

I looked back and tried to peer into their window.

Ah shit, their car's tinted.

I started to drive faster and the car followed us.

"What're you doing?" Yugyeom asked.

"This car's following us for a while." I said and switched lanes.

They continued to switch lanes as I did.

I looked at the speed limit and it was sixty miles per hour.

I gained speed and drove just over sixty miles per hour and switched lanes again.

Then there was ongoing traffic up ahead and I went right.

"Guys, there's a car following us." I said and glanced at the review view mirror.

Yugyeom glanced back at the car.

"You mean the black pick-up?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's been following us for a while." I said.

I looked and we're almost here in Suwon She.

I sped up and drove eighty miles per hour.

We're almost there..

I glanced back at the rear view mirror and saw the black pick up switch lanes.

I looked and thought I was clear from the pickup.

Suddenly, the pickup drove past over us and I had to stop forcefully.

"What the hell is your deal dude??" I practically shouted.

Yugyeom looked.

"I don't see any other exits." He said.

"Ah, fine. I guess I'll just push over this poop truck." I said and started to go straight.

I went straight and the car moved on the right, finally clearing space.

"Jeez.." I breathed out.



aNd pLus, i'm going to korea for a month, so the flight's long and i won't have my writing utensils in handy for a few days.

just fyi

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