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Wonnie's point of view

"You ever seen someone look so good you just want to stick your tongue in their ass?"

Me: Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down.

Hwasang snickers.

Keeho: Well excuse me! I just wanted to appreciate the pictures my girlfriend sent.
Hwasang: Lex is actually pretty when she doesn't have a cigarette in her mouth.
Keeho: Don't talk about her!
Chenle: We've been talking about her since we were born.


My intentions were to go online and find my dad a birthday gift but I'm having no luck. I pull out my phone to text my other dad about going shopping.

Me: Hey, are you free to come shopping with me?
Kihyun🔐: I'd love to but your mother might kill us first.

Well shit nevermind, whatever drama they have going on I'll let them settle it. I ask RJ and Lee-Hyung to come along and   they agreed almost instantly.


I hold up a yellow hoodie with a giant smiley face on it. I can't explain how but this is..-

RJ: So Jooheon coded.


Me: It is, but not enough.
Lee: What exactly are you looking for?
Me: Something to show I'm truly grateful for him, thankful for him being born.

They let out a little "awww" making me roll my eyes.

Lee: It's not often you show your soft side, I remember when you were little..-
Me: Let's not do that.

I pick up a pair of shoes that's very similar to his style. In the cart it goes along with that smiley face hoodie. The goal is to make one giant birthday basket filled with things that reminds me of him.

RJ: What about some cologne?
Me: Good idea, his favorite body oil too. I'm going to text my mom to see what's the name of those scents.

Lee holds up a pair of gardening boots and they're actually not that bad. Since he loves his garden more than anything at times it would be thoughtful to get him things to help with it.

I'm happy they came along their ideas aren't too bad. A flash goes off across the room, I look up and the two girls gasps.

Lee: Must be fans of ours.

RJ smacks his teeth.

RJ: They clearly took a picture of Wonnie idiot.
Me: I'm use to it.
Lee: Speaking of, I know you're in college and what not but with the modeling you do are you going to join the business?

I shake my head almost immediately.

Me: I wouldn't be able to manage the chaos twenty-four seven and wouldn't want my girlfriend having to deal with that either.
Lee: Such a romantic!
RJ: That's Hyungwon's son alright.

I chuckle.

Santana's point of view

I roll over coming face to face with a sleeping Hyungwon.

When did he even come up here? I didn't even feel the bed shift. I bop his nose and his eyes flutter open. He gives me a lazy smile pulling my body closer to his.

Me: So is the talk over?
Hyungwon: I don't know I left in the middle of it.
Me: Hyungwon!

He shrugs.

Hyungwon: Wonho is the one who got her pregnant not me. Why should I stick around to hear something I don't care about? I do feel for her because regardless if the scum bucket thought he was protecting us Leroy shouldn't have threatened her, but that was years ago.


Me: You're right, maybe she just was desperate for healing.
Hyungwon: You always see the good in people. I love and hate that about you.
Me: Me too.

He kisses my forehead.

Hyungwon: Never change who you are.


ik ik ik

this chapter is veryyy late but in order to graduate sooner your is going to do her medical program in the summer too soooo bare with me <3

i also can't believe i turned anothaaa year today. time is truly flyingggg

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