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Hiiii! It's been a long ass time since I wrote anything on here. I think the last time I published and completd a fic on here it was a Team Starkid fanfic with like a thirty year age gap and next to no plot. I opened this app, saw what my thirteen year old self had written, tried to fix it, couldn't and cringed my ass back on over to ao3 where I've been kind of living since then. I started using writing as more of a coping mechanism (shout out to my dad and many others for all the trauma :D) once I started writing over there, and my stories became more dark.

More recently though, I've kind of wanted to come back to Wattpad. I want a space where I don't take my writing quite as seriously, and can just do some fun little fics instead of the heavier angst that I typically write. I've decided this account will be for the stuff that I just randomly think of one day. I'll probably be a lot less of a perfectionist when it comes to anything on here, because it's not my main writing outlet, but I do want to write here again, and redeem myself because when I wrote here before, it was just... it wasn't good.

With that being said, here are some things you should know before you read this fic!

1. I've had this idea for a good while, but didn't know if I would ever actually write it. Any readers have kingdomofcardz to thank for this story. I saw their two Noah fics (The Grey and Miracle) and was inspired to actually sit down and write this!

2. The "OCs" in this fic are based on me and my friends, and "The Queer Collective" (the band the characters are in) is inspired by my friends' and my experimental/progmetal band that is not, in fact, titled The Queer Collective. A lot of the banter and things that you read is shit that we actually say to each other because I wanted the dialogue to feel genuine. The lines are very thin between what is only true for the story and what is factual as far as the backstory of the band. Kat is black and a lil fruity because I'm black and a more than a lil fruity. Leah is trans because my best friend is trans. Kat used to be a church singer because I did. Things of that nature, so PLEASE be gentle and if you have critiques, limit them to my actual writing. I can take that and use it to improve!

3. This is entirely fiction and for the enjoyment of readers. Please don't send this to any members of the band or their crew if they've expressed they aren't comfortable with seeing it. Let's just respect them please and thanks :)

4. Updates aren't really scheduled because I'm sort of just writing this for fun. Also it won't be very heavily edited because... again, just writing it for fun and not taking myself too seriously here. So if there are any typos or just bits that seem a little weird, it's entirely on me and I'll own it lol. It's also written in the first person, which I actually migrated away from as I developed my own writing style, so this feels like stretching a muscle that atrophied a long time ago. So if I fuck up and don't catch it in my underwhelming attempts at editing, I apologize.

5. This is written more how I talk than how I actually write because it felt fitting for this story, so AGAIN if you're looking for the best written fic you've ever read... it's probably not this one. If you want something that I took more seriously, it's probably a good idea to head to ao3 (shameless self-plug, the link is in my bio lol)

6. I know the timelines and things are gonna seem a little off so don't look too much into that, I beg! I'm not putting too much research into this one, so much as just trying to make a good story. So if I see one person in the comments like "acktshuallyyy BaD oMEns DIdn'T rElEASe THAt SoNg UnTIl 2022" I'm stealing everyone's kneecaps.

7. Title is inspired by Levitate by Sleep Token which is a damn good song, but I don't know that it will have fuckall to do with the plot yet so there's that.

With all that out of the way... I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it! This is Levitate, you fucks...

Heh see what I did there...

Levitate (A Bad Omens RPF)Where stories live. Discover now