desires of a teen witch

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"pretty when i cry"

Phoebe stood in a pair of shorts and a tank top, Isaac at her side

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Phoebe stood in a pair of shorts and a tank top, Isaac at her side. "You wanna kiss?" Phoebe joked softly while he was tying his shoes, "I would but then I would do something else." Isaac smirked to himself hearing her heart speed pick up at his words.

She lightly kicked his side when he suddenly looked up. He turned his head slightly as if sensing something, then turned the other way. Phoebe didn't seem to notice as she walked forwards without glancing back.

Phoebe went up to Danny, assuming Isaac was behind her. "Wanna race?" She asked the boy teasingly, knowing he wouldn't want too, "No, actually, you always win." Danny reminded the girl, who shrugged as Finstock blew the whistle.

"Pace yourselves!" Finstock shouted ahead at them as Phoebe set off, she was ahead of everyone as she was the captain of the cross country team. She was set in about a week ago due to her good running skills.

That was when Aiden and Ethan passed her, Isaac right after them. Phoebe lifted a brow but pushed herself harder, unknowingly her eyes went red as she completely lost control over her own body. As if her body was taking her to see something.

But as she was coming closer and closer to the unknown doom, Isaac was being held down by Ethan and Aiden. "Ethan, remind me because I always forget, how many bones are in the human body?" Aiden asked his twin with a twisted look on his face.

Ethan grinned sickly before responding, "I don't know. Let's count." He went to break Isaac's arm just as Scott came, punching Ethan across the face, sending him flying back. "That's one." The four boys all prepared to fight each other, wolves, claws and eyes coming out.

A loud scream of terror caused them to stop, "Phoebe?" The four boys questioned aloud, immediately setting off to find the girl.

Phoebe had been running, a little off course due to the fact that it was her body and brain taking her somewhere. That was when she had suddenly tumbled down a hill. Nearly hitting a tree.

Her eyes returned to her usual brown ones, she looked around in confusion when she felt something warm on her hand. She looked up to see a man, hanging from a tree by his throat.

She let out a scream as she scrambled back, "Scott! Isaac!" She cried as she stared up at the body in shock, unable to stand up on her own. Tears filling her eyes at the sight.

Her classmates soon came, Stiles taking Phoebe by the arm as he slide down the hill, pulling her up to her feet. Isaac and Scott running over to them, Isaac quickly took Phoebe in his arms. The girls head spinning in circles as she laid her head on him.

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