Chapter 4 - Good Old Days, pt. 4

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This chapter will cover the themes of depression. If you're not comfortable with such topics (although most of Izuku Yagi's stories contain these themes), I don't recommend reading.


It's been two weeks since the trip to the park. Apart from the birthday of the Bakugo twins, nothing special happened.

Izuku was currently drawing in his notebook, with Izumi watching her brother recreating Granny Nana's latest battle very accurately. Toshinori was currently trying to arrange his hair into the iconic "V" and Inko was talking on phone with her mother.

"... and then he tried to escape! Can you imagine it, dear? After destroying half of the district and summoning all the pros in the area, that's when he decided it was the best time to retreat!" - Nana was currently telling her about the fight, that soon will be immortalized on paper by her grandson.

- I know mom. - said Inko with a smile. - Villains nowadays are getting really stupid. -

"You said it, dear!" - responded Nana. She sounded tired. - "Sometimes, I really miss times when AFO (She is ignoring the fact that he has a name.) was trying to take over Japan. He was a pain in the ass, but at least he had some class when he fought with me!"

Inko simply nodded, forgetting that she's on the phone, at her mother's rant. She had a lot of respect for her mother. Even thought she was over 60 years old, she still continued to do her job as a Pro Hero. This often led to many arguments with Kotaru, who, out of concern for her, tried many times to persuade her to retire and let him take care of her.

Kotaru didn't like the Pro Hero job at all. This was due to the fact that in his childhood he very often saw in what state his mother came home. She was almost always terribly tired, and sometimes also injured. For this reason, very often after returning, she fell on the bed and went straight to sleep, not having so much time to devote to her children. Year after year, Kotaru's enthusiasm for heroes slowly diminished. 

So instead of watching battles on TV with his younger siblings, he studied hard to get into a good business school. Of course, he didn't hate their mother for her work. He was just terribly jealous that Nana didn't spend as much time with them as he would like. 

After graduating from Hitotsubashi Daigaku, he decided to move out of the family house and start his own family. Nana, Inko and his younger brother always tried to keep in touch with him, with mixed results. That was until his kids were born. Nana absolutely loved her grandchildren, Hana and Tenko, and Kotaru didn't have a problem with that. He often invited his family for meetings to let them see each other.

Nana always went completely gaga over her grandchildren. She talked with Hana about her day and tried to imitate Tenko's babbling, making him laugh. Sometimes, just sometimes, Kotaru felt a slight twinge of jealousy as he looked at it. There was no denying that his mother paid more attention to her grandchildren than she did to him when he was their age. But he quickly dismissed those thoughts, just glad that his children had a good relationship with their grandmother. But apart from Nana's visits and possible visits to Inko, Kotaru was hardly close to the rest of the family.

Back to Inko and Nana, they talked with each other for a while, when Nana finally remembered something important.

"Oh, one more thing, sweetie. Nezu wants to see you and Toshinori at 2:00 p.m. in UA. I think it's about some details of your work as teachers of the hero class." - said her mother. - "That stubborn shortie Sorahiko finally decided to retire. Oh, and the rat also said to bring twins if you would like to. Don't worry, I made him promise that he won't teach Izuku in the ways of total universal domination."

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