{13} Explanation

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The following day, I call my mom when I’m home from work. It’s been a relatively peace­ful day at the Konglikit’s, allowing me far too much time to think. I’m restless, nervous about my showdown with Mr. Control Freak tomorrow, and at the back of my mind, I’m worried that perhaps I’ve been too negative in my response to the contract. Perhaps he’ll call the whole thing off.

My mom is oozing contrition, desperately sorry not to make my graduation. Tharn has twisted some ligament which means he’s hobbling all over the place. Honestly, he’s as accident-prone as I am. He’s expected to make a full recovery, but it means he’s resting up, and my mother has to wait on him hand and sore foot.

“Bui, honey, I’m so sorry,” My mom whines down the phone.

“Mom, it’s fine. Dan will be there.”

“Bui, you sound distracted – are you okay, baby?”

“Yes, mom,” Oh if only you knew. There’s an obscenely rich guy I’ve met and he wants some kind of strange kinky sexual relationship, in which I don’t get a say in things.

“Have you met someone?”

“No, mom.” I am so not going there right now.

“Well, darling, I’ll be thinking of you on Thursday. I love you...you know that honey?”

I close my eyes, her precious words give me a warm glow inside.

“Love you too, mom. Say hi to Tharn, and I hope he gets better fast.”

“Will do, honey. Bye.”


I have strayed into my bedroom with the phone. Idly, I switch the mean machine on and fire up the email program. There’s an email from Bible from late last night or very early this morning, depending on your point of view. My heart rate spikes instantly, and I hear the blood pumping in my ears. Holy crap...perhaps he’s said no – that’s it – maybe he’s cancelling dinner. The thought is so painful. I dismiss it quickly and open the email.

From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: Your Issues
Date: November 24 2022 01:27
To: Jakapan Puttha

Dear Mr. Puttha

Following my more thorough examination of your issues, may I bring to your attention the definition of submissive.
submissive [suhb–mis-iv] – adjective

1. inclined or ready to submit; unresisting or humbly obedient: submissive servants.

2. marked by or indicating submission: a submissive reply.

Origin: 1580–90; submiss + -ive
Synonyms: 1. tractable, compliant, pliant, amenable. 2. passive, resigned, patient, docile, tame, subdued. Antonyms: 1. rebellious, disobedient.

Please bear this in mind for our meeting on Wednesday.

Wichapas Sumettikul
CEO, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

My initial feeling is one of relief. He’s willing to discuss my issues at least, and he still wants to meet tomorrow. After some thought, I reply.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: My Issues...What about Your Issues?
Date: November 24 2022 18:29
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

Please note the date of origin: 1580-90. I would respectfully remind Sir that the year is 2022.

We have come a long way since then. May I offer a definition for you to consider for our meeting: compromise [kom-pruh-mahyz] – noun

1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjust­ment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of de­mands.

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