You gulped, understanding.

"I'm sensing there's something else. What worse is there to the story?" You question quietly.

"Plagues...Daly has been the reason for a locust plague, and now a blood turning to water plague..." Cal softly mumered.

You evidently sigh.

"How are the passengers at the detention centre?" You ask while grabbing your coat/jacket and putting it on.

"Dad and Mick escaped, for a calling and then went back. Michaela is now helping with callings...kinda" Cal says, following after you out of his room.


"Where are you going?" Cal playfully asks.

"Secret Dora the explorer investigation in Tokyo, you joining?" You sarcastically reply with the words at the the very tip of your head.

Cal laughs and shakes his head.

That bloody laugh. Damn just damn.

He gives you a serious expression.

" To go for a walk. I need some fresh air." You reply , after rolling your eyes.

"I'll come with."

"Oh, and where's Ol?" Wondering where the mischievous,big-hearted teenager is.

"Sleeping, hopefully not as long as you were" He chuckles.

"Yeah well , next time I promise to not sleep my ass off because I'm not waking up to find out that a lot of shit just changed." You say, closing the door behind you.

He chuckled. "Probably, note that down."

Cal grabbed his coat and phone before you shut the door . As he is putting the coat on, he watches your relieved smile at the wind and fresh air.
That reaction makes him smile.

"And Eden?" You say, while walking out.

"Sleeping with her, the actual Olive." He quickly says , putting his hands up in defense as you laugh, knowing he was referring to the fact that that there's one Olive , not an Angelina in the house.

"Yeah , yeah" You say.

Furrowing your brows.

"Did you not panic when I was sleeping for way too long?" Nudging him .

"Oh , I did. Olive , on the other hand reassured me that you love sleeping and its normal." Cal says, raising his eyebrows when he mentions that he did panic .

You recall the time when you were 6 years old, at your own house, Cal and Olive came for a sleepover. That night you slept , you ended up sleeping for the whole and next day. Cal and Olive left the house , panicked but your mother knew you, she checked your heartbeat and laughed knowing that you were definitely dreaming the best dream ever. You loved sleeping.

But you loved your mother more, still do.

Gosh, you miss her ...

To see her one last time. Tell her that I've been practicing new fight moves for self defense , just like she taught me. Always teaching me how to handle weapons and showing me combat moves.

But when she got sick , I never knew that those few years left , I'd be a loner of a family. Having no else related to me. Because she had to die on me.

Zoning out, Cal snaps his fingers in front of your face and wraps his arm around your shoulder , pulling you so close towards him.

He sighed.

You walked around the house , Cal near your body, assuring you that everything will be okay.

The walk was a bit short but at an unknown area and you guys came back near the house. Besides, Angelina didn't know your identity now.

A comfortable silence settled in, not saying a thing, you leaned your head on his shoulder. He tensed up a bit but soon warmed up to the touch.

You reached the door and swung it open, leaving your coat/jacket on a coat hanger , you went to the couch and sat down. Cal followed after you. You both cuddled and played a series that you were sure Cal wasn't gonna pay attention too. Just background sound while you cuddled , knowing that Cal's full attention was on you and you only. He watched as your face lit up for the funny parts in the show.

Does he...have feelings for me?
No! We're just bestfriends ...right?

Secretly, hoping that you guys could be more than that.

DAMN THAT WAS A FILL IN ON MANIFEST BUTTT fluff at the end <333 oh and guys, breathe when y/n (you/reader) gets a calling, yeah that'd probably be in the next chapter or so because Cal and Olive have to help
y/n with it! So I'll do that.

Word count, babes : including all current stated letters and author notes - 1288

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