Start from the beginning

"Prisha! Over here!" Her old friend hailed her over to the corner of the bar that was dim. Prisha smiled as she gracefully walked up to her old friend, the moment she got to the person, she was pulled into a tight quick hug.

"Gosh, you've gotten prettier and sexier." Her old friend commented, gesturing for her to sit.

"Soft," Prisha chuckled, "I should be the one saying that." She eyed her friend's chest.

"Ahh this," Soft laughed, grabbing her clothed breasts while staring at Prisha, "Boob job, they are very useful in the moment of persuasion." Soft added. She's a Korean woman, model shaped body with a blonde hair. Ever looking confident.

"You haven't changed." Prisha shook her head, "You've gotten worse." She laughed.

"I have to get worse so I can stay on top of the game." Soft shrugged. Soft wasn't her old friend's real name but that's what everyone calls her which was the utter opposite of who she is. "True." Prisha nodded.

"So..." Soft dragged, "What made my ex-partner in crime called to meet up all of a sudden?" She questioned, gazing teasingly at Prisha as she sips from her beer.

"Do I need to have a reason to see you?" Prisha squinted her eyes at Soft, "Or don't you miss me?" She quirked her brows.

"Oh darling sweet Prisha, I do miss you. None can be compared to you. All the girls I've been with can't match your beast mode in bed so I very much miss you. Plus I missed causing chaos with you." Soft leaned forward and rasped, smirking as she finished talking then leaned back into her chair, licking her lips.

Prisha smiled as she shook her head, "I miss you too but not for that reason, Soft, cos I'm busy fantasizing about two people in my head everyday." Prisha teasingly eyed her.

"Is my Prisha finally in love?" Soft gasped, ready for the juicy answer.

"She is but hasn't made the big move yet." Prisha smiled shyly, her demeanor changing from confident to shy as she thinks about her two colleagues she's massively crushing on.

Thanks to Ione's advice, there's been progress but nothing intimate or romantic so far. Just platonic. She's taking her time to see if it's really all worth it.

"You should." Soft winked at her, "But that also means you came here for a different reason other than missing me." Soft stated.

"You're right. I'm also here for another reason." Prisha answered and took a big swig of her beer. She needed it to talk about what she came here for because it will definitely anger her.

"I know you too much." Soft gave a smirky smile.

"You do." Prisha grinned sweetly. She and Soft have come from way back in junior high. And they did a lot of mischievous things and caused many trouble too but Prisha moved on from that lifestyle to become a nurse while Soft remained in that lifestyle, becoming the Queen of the Street.

A gangster in another word.

"So what does my sweet Prisha wants?" Soft asked.

"Just for you to return one of the many favours I did for you back in the days." Prisha replied in a sassy tone.

Soft scoffed jokingly, loving the look on Prisha's face, taking her back to those days of troublemaking.

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