Chapter 8

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Sofia's POV

I slowly walk through gloomy forest alongside Hugo, weapons hanging on our sides. No sunlight is able to reach the floor of the forest, darkness creeping at every part of the forest. That's how the forest got it's name, gloomy, dull.

The plan was to have Hugo and I navigate this ominous forest alone, while kingdoms in participation will be cornering each part of the forest with their formidable forces of elite soldiers and knights. Truth is, we were never told to be put up as bait, but I volunteered myself as one.

All kingdoms will rush in towards Alfred's cottage upon my signal. As the bait, I'm playing a crucial role, especially towards Khole's desperate parents. Having awoken from Khole's spell, they finally realised their daughter is in danger, huge danger.

Dad, James and Amber are way behind us while mom remain at the castle, anxiously awaiting for any glimmer of good news. My hand clutches onto a pistol, given by the head lieutenant of the Enchancian soldier. With each step, my heart race tremendously because...

This will be our last battle.

Failure is not an option on this battlefield.

"Do you have a wand?" I ask, facing Hugo who is dragging a long stick on the ground. Navigating through the forest with Mr. Cedric's map that was given to me during my first trip.

Hugo nod his head, letting out a hum of confirm. The forest atmosphere starts to get more sinister by the minute as we venture deeper into it. The last time I visited, it was at least, livelier.

The trolls that were here before, had disappeared. Even the animals who called this forest their home are nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, this forest had been abandoned by every animals and creatures.

"You could feel that strong dark presence too, right?" Hugo ask, dropping his stick on the floor. His hand slowly move to his side, clenching his sword by the handle. "Get behind me."

"I could too." I reply, finally drawing my sword out. "There's no need too, I can defend myself. Besides you're here too." 

Hugo turn to me, his dark green eyes locking deep into mine. "At least you won't be the first to get hurt from an ambush ahead."

My heart quiver and flutter, as if it had been caught in the grip of a thousand butterflies, their delicate wings encouraging them to pull it with force with every direction. I felt a strong sense of painful sweetness tightening around my heart. A sensation of breathtaking and overwhelming, like the collision joy and logging in a single moment.

I move behind Hugo, my fingers lightly grab a hold a small section of his clothing. Hugo respond with a soft hum, turning to meet my gaze. Without hesitation, I rise onto the tip of my toe and give him a soft peck on the lips, catching him by surprise. As our lips parted, a small curl formed at the end of my lip, and I meet his gaze through lowered lashes. "Thank you,"I murmur, "For always thinking about my safety."

Hugo let out a small smile, hands slowly cupping my cheeks "You are the one who is going to stay by my side forever, " his voice soft, lace with sweetness. "If I don't, who will?"

I walk up to him and place myself in his embrace, feeling the warmth of love surrounding my body. Hugo's hands gently glide down to my waist, drawing me closer while he rest his chin above my head. "I like the hugs and all, but we still have to be aware of our surroundings." Hugo says, slowly pulling back from the hug.

I agree with his statement. Not wanting to waste anymore time, we continued our journey into the forest. Walking past multiple trees of various kind, we finally arrive at our destination -- Alfred's cottage.

The cottage gives off an eerie feeling. It's worn and tore down, as if it was left untouched for years. Darkness slowly creeps around the room, extinguishing every single glimmer of light, while a strong cold breeze blows in our direction. Thick fog ominously crawl in from the back of the cottage, accompany by the haunted atmosphere, as a crow caws above the sky.

Chills shiver down my spine, warning me that I should turn back. But I refuse to turn back, I've come this far and I would never want to give up.

Hugo grab my hand, forcing me to look at him, "I shall head in first," Hugo says, giving me a reassuring look. "Stay behind and look out, call me if something isn't right." But I shake my head, disagreeing.

"I'll walk behind you, whatever happens..." I drag the last word as I tighten the grip on his palm "I will be there for you, so please be careful."

Hugo nodded his head and begin to walk forward towards the cottage while I trail behind him. My foot feels like lead at every step I take forward, as if my foot is giving all it's will to urge me to stop here and go back home.

The door swings open with a loud creek following behind. We are welcome to a small messy and dusty living room. If this wasn't a sorcerer's cottage, I would have think that something horrifying had happened to led the owner to run away in a sudden.

I went over to Mr. Alfred's pantry, going through every drawers and cupboards for a clue. So far I've seen, Mr. Alfred didn't own any weird but normal objects.

"Sofia, come here," Hugo calls, holding up a board the is covered in dust. "I've found something."

I go over to Hugo's side, examining the board. It is a picture of my amulet, talking about it's source of magic to exterminating the curse of the amulet. Surprisingly, my photos are here too, a lot of them.

"No way, has Alfred been stalking me just to get my amulet?" I say in disgust, pushing away the frame out of my sight. "Keep looking for clues, he already has my amulet, this won't do."

As soon as I part ways with Hugo, Hugo suddenly scream my name. No it was not anger. No it was not happiness either.

It was fear, a loud and horrifying scream came out from his mouth. "Sofia!"

When I turn to look at him, Khole is already standing behind him. A large grin creeps across her face, while a hand of hers is occupied with a sword. "Hugo!" I yell.

"Watch out!"

"Look out!"

That was the last thing both of us yell before I was push towards the ground by a strong force.

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