Chapter 2

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Sofia's POV

Hugo suddenly walked towards the window seat as he stared in horror. Words were only mumbled out from his mouth. I slowly walked towards Hugo, also staring outside. "What is it?" I asked, looking at an empty area covered with water.

"She was right here," Hugo whispered.

What? First Amber, next James, now me? This could only mean one thing.... it wouldn't be long until she decides to attack soon.

"I need to go and talk to your father." With that said, Hugo turned behind and headed towards the door. 

Before he could take a step closer to the door, I held my hands out, avoiding him from going any nearer towards the door. I glared at him in the eye as I said firmly "You won't tell him, not him, not anyone."

Hugo folded his arms, returning a glare at me while tilting his head up a little. "What are you trying to do Sofia?" his voice was deep yet irritated.

"I don't want you to tell my dad." I said "We can't put them in danger, you know I wouldn't want my family to be in danger."

Hugo's gaze deepens, I could tell he is pissed with my comment "You're crazy." he hissed. 

He walked closer to me and grabbed my shoulders with force. "What do you mean, you don't want me to tell your father?" I know clearly this isn't a question from Hugo. "If you have any thoughts about doing this all by yourself, drop it." and by his tone, it was clear that he is furious.

No matter what Khole became, she is still an ordinary human, I believe I could take her down without my parents's help. "Don't you trust me?" I asked him.

"My gosh..." Hugo let out a groaned as he runs his fingers through his hair. "This isn't about trust, you know how dangerous she is." he added. "You're digging your own grave, Sofia. Now move." Hugo suddenly pushed me aside.

"I've done a lot of things on my own, I've done all sorts of stuff since I was 10!"  I stated, with Hugo's back facing me I continued, "She's still a mere ordinary human. We can handle this by ourselves."

Hugo still hasn't turn around to face me but the words he said made me silent.  " 'We'? That's what you said earlier too but you had to changed it to 'I'. Sofia you're not wonder woman, why do you have to do everything by yourself? "

" Yes, you're strong. But you know nothing about your enemy! How are you gonna face them alone? And remember it's 'them' not 'her'. "

Leaving me standing there in silent, Hugo stepped out from my room. After he left, a wave of anger filled within me as I walked towards my dressing table.

"He doesn't understand me at all!" I grumbled, "What is he so afraid of?"

I fought Vor when I was 12, was trapped in the amulet on the same day. What's the big deal of going against a girl and an unknown person?

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the heater. Slowly, water started to fill up the bathtub. Maybe a bubble bath could help me to ease my anger off Hugo.

Things would be so much easier if Khole just stay put in the hospital. How lucky am I to have stumble across her who also has the same interests as me on the same guy.

Before she could lay her hands on my family, I have to take her down immediately. But how?

Suddenly a loud knock interrupted my train of thoughts. The knock keep on knocking without a pause "I'm busy!" I shouted from the bathroom.

Finally the knock stopped.

I slowly lay back down, enjoying my warm bath but the knock returned once again, this time even more furious than before. The loud pounding sound kept on coming.

"I said I'm busy! Come again later!" I called out once again, but the person doesn't seem to care this time as they continued to knock.

"What's wrong with them?" I mumbled as I climb my way out from the bathtub, wearing my bath robe before stepping out from the bathroom.

"Alright, alright I'm coming!" I shouted, placing my hand on the door knobe of the bathroom.

What I saw next, left me standing there in horror.

Words were scribbled on my mirror, dark red words were written on it. It couldn't be lipstick, because no lipstick would drip down like water.

I'm back, Princess. Miss me? Certainly, I did.

It's her. She was in my room.

How? My windows are locked, same goes for my door. How did she get in?

I slowly walk closer towards my dressing table, only to realise it's blood. Fresh blood.

Fear shiver down my spine, as I stood in front of my dressing table, completely frozen. I jump on my toe as soon as I heard another loud knock from my door.

I quickly turned around in fear, my voice trembled as I spoke "Who is it?" I asked.

"Princess Sofia, it's me." a female voice replied. Finally someone is out there.

"Hold on. I'm coming."

I was about to open the door until I realised something is not right. It feels like a trap to lure me in.

"Princess Sofia ?" the voice from outside called again. "Princess Sofia, can you please open the door?"

I did not reply. The voice slowly morphed into a male voice "Sofia, Princess. Let me in."

It sounded like Hugo, but it isn't at all. Hugo wouldn't come back in a way like this if he had to apologise. Who could it be? I'm sure this isn't Khole, she can't change her voice.

The only way I had in mind was to ring the bell. Maybe someone from the maid's room would come by this instant. I quickly pulled the rope to the bell which make a loud dong.

"My, my Sofia. It hurts me that you wouldn't want to open this door for us." This familiar voice..... I know who it was in an instant. Khole. "It hurts me that you wouldn't want to meet your old friend, but I guess we could visit you another time. " her giggle could been heard clearly from the inside.

There's no time left. I have to put a stopped to it. Once and for all.

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW 2 - HUGFIA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now