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Both oneshots and AUs with my favorite fandoms are the same, but before I get start it, I will do oneshots for these fandoms that I like:

Animal Detectives KiruminZoo

Tokyo Mew Mew(Mostly Reboot)

Pretty Cure(I got into new anime since I accepted my best friend's idea to watch this anime with me, and my favorite season would be Wonderful Pretty Cure)

YooHoo and Friends(Mostly Season Two)

Neptuno Films: The Three Bears



Animal Mechanicals

And I sometimes use my other favorite fandoms(Which are The Little Flying Bears and Super Mario Bros(I finally got into next game after I got Nintendo Switch).)

Now here's the Rules:

The Kamihama Kirumins, Animal Mechanicals, Tokyo Mew Mew, and Wonderful Cures would be either in their normal and altered forms. Komugi and Yuki would also be either in their animal and human forms.

Please no NSFW or inappropriate content when doing a oneshot, and do not spam. I hated these type of stuff and it will get reported.

My own AU I have are listed below, while my next AUs are coming soon:

Animal Friends(Crossover with my three favorite fandoms)

Back to the oneshots. I can do ships as in OC X OC, canon X OC, and cannon X canon. Except for same gender oneshot ships, since I dislike this. Everyone, Thank you for understanding.

Alright, let's get start it, shall we? Enjoy the fun and madness of this book!

Yonaru's randomness, oneshots, and AUs with favorite fandoms BookWhere stories live. Discover now