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"Hey, Yugyeom? Hey!"

"What is it dude?" Yugyeom groaned, going louder when Jungkook hits his knee under the table for being loud. "I'm sorry Jungkook but i got this real job application on my laptop that I find more interesting than whatever you've got to say so."

"It's not that!" Jungkook tsks. "Okay, so don't look back but I've got this person sitting behind you and everytime I look up for some reason, we make eye contact."

"Behind me?" Yugyeom asks, looking behind the way he was asked not to. But he frowns, not catching anyone in sight.


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"Jungkook." He turns around. "I think it's your insomnia acting up again-"

"No, not inside Yugyeom! Outside! He's sitting outside."

"Oh." Yugyeom nods, placing his hands on the chair's armrest as he proceeds to turn around until a strong arm grips his shoulders quite literally, forcing him to face Jungkook.

"Learn to listen to other people's words carefully, best friend."

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" yugyeom scoffed as he yanks Jungkook's hand away. "Do you want to go say Hi?"

"What? Come on man, I cannot?"

"well then stop looking?"

"Again, Yug, I cannot." Jungkook sighed, taking another quick glimpse of the person who sat outside the shop and in his own serenity, enjoying whatever the soft sun rays had to offer to the guy.


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"Jungkook. Either stop looking or go say something. This just makes you look, creepy?"

But his words only pisses Jungkook who instead chooses to ignore it. It was one of those moments when you'd look up and out of the blue, make eye contact with someone. And then the rest of the time that you stay there, you can't stop testing the situation time and again until your eyes are on autopilot.

"Kay, listen." He hears some shuffling in front and he turns to face Yugyeom again. "Let's make a bet." The guy places a note of five dollars on the table. "Go and have a word with the guy and I'll give you five dollars. Or don't go, and you give me ten dollars."

"Why am I getting ten and you five-"

"Best friend benefits." Yugyeom shrugged. "Also I'm broke."

"Fine." Jungkook scoffs.

But before he even gets up, something holds him down. No, it definitely wasn't any external force. Maybe it was the fear of the consequence. If it were a girl, this could've been a quick go. But again, the reality differs. What if he red the situation wrong? And ends up embarrassing himself? Or-

"Listen, Jeon. This might be the last time you even meet that guy so there's no forcing it, okay? You want to, you can. You don't want to, you don't have to."

"Yeah," Jungkook sighed once again. "I suppose I do want to."

"Then good luck."

So with various self encouragement, a new confidence and a five dollar note in hand, Jungkook stands up. Every sound that his boot creates on the wooden floor of the cafe matches his heartbeat until he's already out of the door and near the table of the guy who appears immersed in his laptop.

"Um, hey." He speaks, noticing the boy look up in his sunglasses which he hadn't been wearing before.


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"So," Jungkook coughs, feeling jittery. "If I were to ask you a question, would you answer it Honestly?"

"Uh," the attractive stranger trails off, "I suppose no."

Jungkook almost peed his pants.

"But what's your question?"

"R-right." Jungkook took a deep breathe. "Do you want me to leave? Like, am I bothering you?"

This time, the stranger pulls his sunglasses off. And when he makes eye contact with Jungkook, jungkook might've preferred them on for his own sanity purposes.

"No, you're not."

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