I turn to look at the monster responsible for hurting my mother but I'm not greeted by any poacher, dark wizard or loyalist.. Dad. 
But he looks different, he looks tired, gaunt and his eyes... they look red.

My head is spinning, I feel like I'm going to faint as tears fill my eyes.
Two dark wizards appear behind him, I feel helpless. 

"Take her to the dungeons" My father spits before turning away and leaving the room.

The guards approach my mum, walking right through me before each grabbing an arm and yanking her up to her feet, tears falling down her face, Fear in her eyes.

"No! stop please! let her go!" I'm screaming as loud as I can hoping to be heard but nothing happens. They start to drag her from the room, I hurry after them but suddenly stop moving as if a wall blocks me from passing. I push against it but it wont let me pass, the guards dragging her further away from me. 

"No please! Mum! I'll find you I promise! Mum! Mummy!" I'm screaming the loudest I ever had, tears spilling down my face, light headed and anger in my stomach.

I hit the floor as it goes dark.


I'm screaming, shaking, sweating and frantic as a pair of hands hold me still.

"Y/N! Calm down! It's okay, wake up! Y/N" Imelda's voice suddenly ringing in my ears frantically.

My eyes snap open, I'm in the dorm room, I feel weak but adrenaline is running through my veins. I look up to see a scared Imelda above me, her strong hands trying to steady my thrashing body, the other girls in the room just staring at me in shock and horror. Winton is frantic in his cage by my bed, screeching and panicking. 

"Imelda.." I whisper, scared and confused.

"Merlins beard, Y/N you scared me, shh it's okay" Imelda loosens her grip on my body and pulls me into an embrace and strokes my hair as I sob uncontrollably into her shoulder.

"Shh it's okay..." Imelda soothes me.

"No it's not ok Imelda!" I start to panic again, moving from her embrace "My m-mum and the dark wizards and..." my mouth falls silent, I can't even begin to make sense of what just happened or the situation. It felt more real than a dream possibly could, it was something else.

"Ok... I don't know what's going on but you're clearly distressed.. Maybe I should take you to the nurses? We can call for Professor Weasley on the way.." She stands from my bed turning to the other girls in the room "Shows over you leeches, go to bed and stop staring before I hurt the lot of ya's" She snarls as she grabs my dressing gown from the edge of the bed.

Imelda helps lift me from the bed, all my energy and strength seems to of left my body, I can't stop shaking, I feel hot and cold at the same time. She wraps my dressing gown around my shoulders and pushes my slippers to my feet for me to slip on "come on.." she hushes as she leads me from the dorm room. The walk to the hospital wing seems longer than normal with how slow I'm moving but I physically don't have the strength if it wasn't for Imelda right now, I probably couldn't stand.

"My goodness what has happened?" Nurse Blainey exclaims as we walk through the doors to the hospital wing.

"Uh honestly.. I'm not sure but she's in really bad shape and I think we should call for Professor Weasley..something is wrong" Imelda has genuine concern in her voice as she helps Nurse Blainey escort me to a bed.

Nurse Blainey scurries off to call for Professor Weasley and Imelda pours me some water.

"If this an elaborate plan to get out of trials, I will be very angry" Imelda puts on a smile trying to joke but the concern hasn't left her voice. I smile taking a sip of the water. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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