Chapter 2: My Greatest Loss

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Ever had a random dream where you have no idea what it's about, but you want to understand it? I did. And I gotta say that for a dream, this one was pretty strange.

I woke up on a floor in a really dark room. My body felt so weak, my eyes barely opened, and my voice didn't feel right. I felt so...vulnerable. Despite how I felt, I tried my hardest to move around so I could see where I was at. It was a hard task to move around, but I managed by just using my arms. As I moved, my eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark. I started to see tall wooden pillars all around me. I felt like I was in a prison.

Given that I had nowhere else to go, I decided to crawl to the closest set of pillars near me. As I made my way to them, I began to notice how the floor felt. It wasn't hard or rough, it was soft like cotton. But the floor was the last thing I paid attention to. Once I was at the set of pillars, I managed to pull myself up on my feet. Now that I was in a standing position, I tried to see if there was anything else beyond the pillars.

I looked, and looked, and looked. But nothing else lied within what seemed like an endless void. I felt like there was something there, but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. I began to freak out because of that reason. I tried to think of something else to dream about, but nothing worked. I was still in the same dark, empty place. There was just a cold, heavy feeling of isolation consuming me. I felt like I wanted to cry.

My eyes began to tear up.

I fell back down onto the floor after hearing a noise approach me. They sounded like footsteps. Really big footsteps. I began to panic. I tried to call for help, but I couldn't say anything. It was like I forgot how to speak. The footsteps got louder, and louder, each step made my heart skip a beat. I continued to make whatever noise I could, hoping someone would hear and help me. But nothing worked. My eyes flooded with tears because of the expectation of death. But before I knew it, the footsteps sounded different. The louder they got, the more noise changed. They didn't even sound like footsteps anymore. They sounded like...ringing.

But no matter what noise they made, I still remained scared.

The noise kept getting louder, and louder. finally stopped. The room I was in then faded away. The tall wooden pillars faded away, the floor disappeared, and my vision went completely blank.


Within an instant, my eyes shot open faster than a pistol going off. Heck, I felt like I was just shot by one. Along with feeling completely awake, my entire body was tense, cold sweat dripped down my face, and my head felt like it was going to split in two (probably because I slept on a wooden pillar for hours). In an attempt to calm myself down, I swiftly looked around to see if I'm somewhere I know. Thankfully I was, and thankfully Sally was still with me. She was still laying on my chest sound asleep with Mr. Max in her arms, and her blanket wrapped around her. Not to mention an average case of bed head.

I smiled at the sight of her safe and sound asleep.

My smile then broke to the sound of a bell ringing. It startled me at first, but I soon realized what was happening. In what felt like an instant, I gently shook Sally awake.

"Psst, Sally. Sally!" I softly whispered. She then began to slowly wake up.

"What is it, big brother..." she said in a groggy tone.

"Listen," I said giving her a hope filled smile. There was a short silence before the bell rang again. Once Sally heard it, her eyes shot open.

"Someone's here to adopt us!" she said in excitement. She then jumped of my lap, pried opened the attic door, and ran down the ladder. All while carrying her blanket and Mr. Max.

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