My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~13~

Start from the beginning

"Brace yourself, its going to sting" I warned him.

"Wait, what is it?" he asked wide eyed.

"Its just disinfectant"

He scooted away.

"Oh no, Krys I hate pain"

"Come on Garey,it will only sting for a second" I soothed scooting closer.

"No, its fine it was only your fist it won't get infected" He scooted back further.

I followed.

"Your teeth made it bleed so it could get infected, stop being a baby"

"No Krys I'm fine" He protested scooting all the way to the other end of the love seat.

"I'm not letting it get infected!" I scrambled to the end of the loveseat and stradled him to restrain him.


I ignored his pleas and held his face still with one hand, bringing the disinfectant covered towel to his busted lip. He squeezed his eyes shut and I began dabbing his wounded lip gently. He hissed in pain and flinched away, I gave him an apologetic look and continued. After all the blood was gone from his lip I stopped and reached for the neosporin.

"This is the longest second of my life" He grumbled.

"Does it still burn?"


I leaned down and blew softly on his lip.

"Better now?" I asked.

His eyes scanned my face and he nodded slowly. I squeezed a drop of neosporin on my pinky and smoothed it on his cut.

"Okay all done" I breathed.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace. He hesitated but hugged me back.

"I am so sorry for hitting you,I promise it won't ever happen again. I won't just blindly throw punches anymore" I apologized again.

He chuckled.

"Its okay, I shouldn't have snuck up on you. I forgive you"

I sighed into his shoulder and pulled away.

"Why did you come over anyways?"

"Oh, I just rented a few movies and wanted to see if you wanted to borrow them before I took them back. I called but you didn't answer" He shrugged.

I pursed my lips.

"Well since I caused you bodily harm, why don't you stay and watch the movies with me, I'll make tacos" I proposed smiling.

He grinned.

"Okay sounds good"

"Awesome, but first I have to put away these groceries and get Nina her pepto before she pukes up a lung" I grimaced and climbed off of him, walking into the kitchen.

"I'll help you"

"You're too kind, by the way how many movies did you rent?" I asked unloading the first bag.

He smiled sheepishly, opening the fridge.

"Um, four"

I stared at him and laughed.

"I guess its a movie marathon then" 


My eyes drifted open slowly revealing a dark room with only light from the t.v. I tried shifting positions turning on my side, but something was restricting me. A weight was at my upper body, I began to panic and opened my eyes wider to see what was on me. I looked down and saw two arms encased around me, I followed them up to my neck and twisted my head around. I relaxed seeing Garey's sleeping face illuminated by the screen of the t.v. I smiled at how peaceful he looked, I glanced at the digital clock on the cable box. 9:56. We must have fallen asleep during the last movie, I looked back up at Garey really not wanting to wake him up. It was cute seeing him sleep.

Slowly and carefully I peeled his arms from around me, he stirred a bit making me freeze but adjusted himself on his side. I stood straight up and smiled down at him once more, I looked around the room and saw our taco plates I picked them up and carried them dowstairs. With nothing better to do, I washed up the plates and put away the remaining tacos. When I got back up to my room I grabbed my scooby doo pj's and slipped into the bathroom to change. I went back to the den to check on Garey after I finished to see he was still sound asleep.

He was the sweetest thing, and the best friend anyone could ever have, I can't imagine life without him. Something lit up on the table in front of the couch, it was Garey's cell. I bent down to see the screen,it read new text from Riley. I didn't really want to check his cell but maybe he wouldn't mind, besides it was only Riley, not like it was someone I didn't know. He could be looking for him,I reached down and picked it up opening the text.

Gares don't worry I didn't say anything and I won't. I'm going to let you tell her.

Tell who what? Some girl he met? Curiousity got the best of me and I scrolled backwards to the previous message.

What happened with you and Krys when I left?

I frowned. What kind of question is that? Something isn't adding up. Being fully nosy I went to sent messages and scrolled down until I came to the most recent message.

We talked and she was acting sort of strange. Did you tell her? Don't lie.

My face scrunched up. What was Garey not telling me? What did Riley want Garey to tell me on his own? What is going on?! I started to shake him but stopped, I just snooped through his messages, its not like I can just ask him what he had to tell me without him knowing. I inhaled deeply and placed his cell back on the table. I guess I just have to forget what I saw, I looked at him once more. Then spread the blanket hanging on the back of the couch over his body, kneeled down and pecked him on the cheek. Flicking off the t.v. I trodded over to my bed and slipped under the warm blankets, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 


What is Garey hiding? What is with the asian chick and the wierd guys? Who knows! This chapter was a bit fillerish but its part of the rising action so the plot builds and makes a huge splash...hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading. Rate,comment, message, and banner.

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