My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~13~

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For most people sunday is a lazy day, but for me saturday is. All I had accomplished today was eating, laying around, and more eating. In case you haven't noticed yet, I LOVE to eat. Every type of food apeals to me and makes me happy, sounds unhealthy but hey its good for the soul. But not all the food in the world could keep me from thinking about the contents of my day on thursday, I shudder at the thought of him being so old and me being so young, even more so at the fact that he pretended not to know me. What's worse is when I manage to push away that thought, the rememberance of those people following me around last night takes over and gives me an uneasy feeling.

Nina rushed into my room, I snapped my head to her from my position on the couch. Her face was pale and she looked shakey.

"Nina what's wrong?!" I yelled.

"I really really need you to go pick up some- oh god..."

She ran into my bathroom (without closing the door) and started throwing up. I cringed at the sound of her wretching and gurgling.I hated hearing people puke, especially the sound of it hitting the water in the toilet, or the ground if they didn't make it to a bathroom. My hands flew to my ears, my fingers plugging them to block out the sickening sound. I began humming a tune to echoe in my head, making sure absolutely no outside noises could be heard. When she emerged from my bathroom I relaxed and unplugged my ears.

"I need pepto a.s.a.p, and while you're there stock up on groceries. We're almost out of food"

With a quick nod I shooed her out of my room, not willing to risk the chance of her getting sick again. At least if she did it in her room I wouldn't be able to hear it. She dragged her feet out of my room miserably and I shut the door behind her. Well there goes my lazy day.

Not feeling up to doing the routine I do for school, I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and threw on a pair of beige shorts, along with a white hoodie and matching converse. I picked up my blackberry and tossed it in my bag before hoisting it over my shoulder and starting to the kitchen. I found Nina's credit card waiting for me on the table, I quickly scanned the fridge, freezer and pantry to see what we needed, then headed out the door to Nina's car. The ride was short to Sam's Club, unfortunately the parking lot was packed, it took fifteen minutes alone to find a parking space.

As soon as I acquired a basket at the front of the store, I went to the deli to pick up all the lunch meat for sandwiches. Then onto the produce for fruit and fresh veggies, I picked up a few health drinks for Nina. For some odd reason she loves V8 and Naked. Next I got the bread and bagels, I moved on to the fish stocking up on tilapia, tempora shrimp and cocktail shrimp. YUM! Next on the list was steak, chicken, ground turkey meat, italian sausage, bacon and all that jazz. After getting all of the neccesary meals and snacks I traveled to the medicine aisle.

While skimming the shelves for Pepto and other pain pills, I got the feeling I was being watched. Slyly searching my surroundings I caught a man staring intently at me, I gave him a disturbed look and returned my attention to the medicine. Only the feeling didn't pass, I darted my eyes back over to the man to see him continuiing to stare, except now he was talking to some raven haired woman with her back to me. I frowned at him. What the hell was his problem. I shook my head and looked back to the shelf alas finding the pepto bismol and tossing it into the cart, along with some extra strenght advil.

Looking back up to where the creepy man was, I noticed the woman was turned around and walking toward me, I could now see she was asian. As she drew in closer familiarity played in my mind, had I seen her somewhere before? She came face to face with me, a hard look on her face before she plastered on a friendly smile.

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