My name's Amara

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Amara's POV

Okay let's get this going, yeah?

My name is Amara Rosalie Light, Princess of Naboo. Now, I know what your thinking, this girl's family supports the Empire. She's probably never even made her own bed. How could someone love her, and more importantly, how could she love him.

But what most don't understand is that I'm the only one in my family who doesn't support the Empire. I don't blame my people or family because the Empire has had its clutches on my planet for a while now. Specifically when the Jedi Knights disappeared and the war started.

I've been part of the rebellion for 3 years now and boy, has it been one hell of a ride.

2 years ago,I met a naive farm boy, a sarcastic pilot, a fuzzy friend, a smart droid, a head strong princess, and a non stop talking golden rust bucket. We met in a meeting right after the Death  Star blew up. I was giving some orders to our pilots and heroes with Mon-Mothma. We all got along for the most part. I was 19 at the time so I've learned a lot since them. I've gotten to know each and every one of them.

Leia is a princess like me. She was the princess of Alderan before it was destroyed, unfortunately. She's strong though. Way stronger than me for sure. Leia knows how too handle stressful situations while I don't. She's probably my best friend.

Han is a little too cocky for my liking. He's the wannabe pilot that's really insisting a reward for helping blow up the Death Star. He's nice when he wants to be but I'd still sleep with one eye open.

Chewie, or Chewbacca I should say, is so sweet. He's a Wookiee that's best friends with Han.  His hugs are always the best for when you're sad and lonely.

R2 is a very very smart droid that keeps Goldy from saying too much. I can't put into words how much I adore him and I think that goes with out saying. 

C-3PO is the rust bucket. My goodness, he never stops talking. He gives too much information and is a fearful mess. Artoo keeps him in check for me. My patience wears extremely thin when it comes to Threepio and I but I try my best to be nice to him since he never means any harm.

Then, there's Luke.  He's my best friend and I'm in love with him. Which he doesn't know about. If I ever told him, things would never be the same. I don't want to lose my best friend over something so very stupid. He's the only one in the universe who truly gets me. Cold Luke's also the only one who knows about me being suicidal due to the abuse I get from my parents.
He's my rock, my shoulder to cry on, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Even if it means being lonely.

We're all on Hoth right now, our new base since Yavin. It's an extremely cold planet and I still haven't gotten used to it. It could be 2 years or 1 millions years but I would never ever prefer the cold over warmth.

But anyways, this is my story. One that has never been told before.  And hopefully one that will be told for years to come.

So This Is Love( Luke Skywalker )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora