Episode Quotes

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This is the quotes page of my 'Partner Puppet' episode idea! Yesterday, I got to thinking about how the dialogue might go if this was an actual Helluva Boss episode ... and decided to experiment! I hope that you guys like the quotes that I created! 👍


Part 1:

After Striker sees the Afrit Amulets, and makes a cunning plan ...

Striker: I tell ya what! Give me those two trinkets up there...

*Striker points up at the amulet case, his grin growing sadistic*

Striker: ... and I'll make sure that Stolas and his little 'love imp' are separated PERMANENTLY!

*Striker's eyes reflect the amulets for a moment, as his voice turns into a purr*

Striker: Alive, but heartbroken ... eternally grieving over each other ...


After Luna is darted by Striker ...

*The darted Loona slumps unconscious to the floor*

*Striker smirks and chuckles as he walks over her*

Striker: Down, girl. Heel ... hehehe.


After Striker puts the second Afrit Amulet around Blitzo's neck ...

*Striker stands over Blitzo, with a big, gloating smile on his face*

Striker: Ya got just 24 hours left, Blitzy. Just 1 day ... and then your precious little mind, body, soul are all MINE!

*Striker chuckles menacingly, and puts a hand down to pat Blitzo on the head mockingly*

Striker: I'll be back at midnight tomorrow to collect you, boss man! Don't try to run, sugarcube ... I'll always find ya, WHEREVER you go!

*Blitzo looks up at Striker with genuine, pure fear on his face*

Striker: Also, you won't be able to tell anyone about this! Your new trinket will make sure of that!

*Striker cackles again as Blitzo falls unconscious*


After Moxxie is reluctant to go and help Blitzo ...

*Loona huffs and stomps up to a frowning Moxxie, who's facing away from the others*

Loona: Listen here, Mox! I know that Blitzo shouldn't have called you 'vermin' earlier, but you've got to get your head straight! Our boss is in trouble right now because someone put that fricking amulet on him! And if he doesn't get it off soon, we may lose him completely!

*Moxxie turns and looks at Loona with an mixed expression of uncertainty and agreement*

*Millie then steps forward and smiles encouragingly at her husband*

Millie: Loona's right, Mox. Blitzo ... is part of our family. We all are a family at I.M.P, after all.

*Loona then winks at Millie, and smiles at Moxxie*

Loona: You know that Blitzo always values you, right? He once told me that you were one of the smartest demons he'd ever met?

*Moxxie's eyes sparkle with hope as a smile finally appears on his face*

Moxxie: Really? Me?


After Striker rides away with Blitzo, on Bombproof ...


*Striker turns and glances back at Loona*

Striker: It seems I already have, dear! YEE-HA-HAHAHAHA! *evil laughter fades into the distance*


Part 2:

Just before Blitzo loses his mind to the amulet's full control ...

Striker: Hush there, Blitzy. Shhhhhhh.

*Striker strokes the shaking Blitzo's cheek*

Striker: It's all right, partner, just close your eyes. No more pain, no more fear ...

*Striker's spiral eyes and the amulet both glow brightly*

Striker: Just GIVE IN.

Blitzo: Stolas ... *closes his eyes unwillingly*


After Loona first suggested asking Stolas for help ...

*Millie holds both hands up in protest, eyes wide*

Millie: Woah, woah, hang on there! Don't you remember what happened the last time Blitzo got into trouble, and Stolas heard about it? Do you want Stolas hurt AGAIN by that cowboy maniac, Loona?!

*Loona growls angrily at Millie*

Moxxie: Millie HAS got a point, you know, Loona! That bleeding heart of a prince will probably charge right in there to rescue Blitzo, regardless of Striker being here!


After Kid Striker yells at the departing Exorcists, in the flashback ...

*Adam pauses, wings open ... then turns back to face Striker*

Adam: Kid, you really think you're the only one who's lost a parent tonight? Try to think of the bigger picture!

*Adam laughs, and leaps into the air, flying off after the other Exorcists*

*Striker just slumps to his knees, and begins to cry silently*


When I.M.P break into Striker's new hideout ...

*Striker smirks evilly at the group, and his gaze comes to rest on Moxxie*

Striker: Oh, look who it is! You're making a regular habit of this, aren't you, vermin? Let me guess, you like being strangled, huh?

*Striker turns and shoots a quick glance at Millie*

Striker: Is it your wife who does it a lot?

*Moxxie flushes bright red and grits his teeth*

Moxxie: At least, I actually have a WILLING partner!

*Striker narrows his eyes at Moxxie, as his smirk changes to a scowl*


At the end, with Striker in Wrath ...

*Striker stares thoughtfully into the flaming vent*

Striker: Boss man's employees risked certain death for him ... maybe torture too. That snobbish owl royal too, for his daughter.

*Striker sighs deeply, and then a tiny smile appears at one corner of his mouth*

Striker: Maybe ... maybe that pompous, star-loving, feather-brained Prince has a heart, after all?

All finished now! 🤩 What do you readers think of the 'Part 1' and 'Part 2' quotes?

Also, if Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano ever wants to use parts of this episode idea, or the whole idea ... she's entirely welcome to do it! 😁👍

I wish her all the best in the future episodes of Helluva Boss! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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