18 | A Need to Talk

Start from the beginning

"You — You chose me?" Isadora asked him. In that moment as Billy spoke those words, all of her doubts and her fears faded away and the only thing Isadora felt was love. The blonde had never felt love like this, not even for her last boyfriend, who had almost broken her spirit. This feeling was something totally different, something totally unfamiliar but Isadora liked the way she was feeling right now.

"Of course I chose you, Princess," Billy told her, as Isadora smiled at him and moved back closer to him, returning her hands to his knees, and he placed his hands over hers before leaning forward and kissing her with so much passion, it made Isadora's head spin. A moment later, Billy pulled away from her and laced his fingers through hers before meeting her eyes, "Isadora, I need you to do something for me."

"You need me to do something for you?" Isadora repeated, as she raised an eyebrow at him and Billy nodded.

"Stop listening to people like Amanda, who is just trying to get you to break-up with me because she's jealous I chose you. If you're going to listen to anyone, listen to me because I care about you so much, Isadora Jones. You're the best person I know and I choose you, ok? I promise you, you are the only girl I want to be with me, so can you please promise you won't listen to Amanda anymore?"

"If someone had told me a few months ago that Billy Hargrove would be choosing the entitled princess, I would have told them to pinch me," Isadora joked before bursting into laughter.

"Isadora, I'm being serious!" Billy told her.

"Right, right, sorry," Isadora nodded as she bit her lip to stop herself from laughing before looking towards Billy and nodding, "I promise you, I won't listen to Amanda or anyone else anymore because I choose you too. And I'm sorry for hurting you."

"One more thing, please stop saying sorry, Is."

"Oh, I'm sorry — shit," Isadora said; this time Billy chuckled as the blonde put her hands to her mouth and shook her head, "You just told me to stop saying sorry and what was the first thing I did? I said sorry."

"It was kind of adorable," Billy told her and Isadora giggled before kissing him again, only to sit back a moment later and rest her chin on her hands.

"So, how exactly did you know the words to You're The One I Want? I mean, how did you even know Grease is my favourite movie?" Isadora asked Billy.

"Kendra told me it was your favourite movie and so I decided if I wanted to get the lyrics right, I would have to watch the movie so I knew the words to the song," Billy shrugged.

"You — You watched Grease?" Isadora asked him. The curly haired boy slowly nodded, which made Isadora smile more as she tilted her head to the side, "You know, it was pretty sweet, hearing you sing the song that made me fall in love with that movie."

"I am never doing that again —" Billy protested, making Isadora giggle before she nodded in agreement.

"Don't get me wrong, I used to love performing but I would rather — well, I would rather be backstage," Isadora said.

"Why? You have an incredible voice, Is," Billy told her. Isadora shrugged as she looked down at her hands.

"I just — I'd rather do something like be the stage manager," Isadora shrugged.

"Well, I think you have an incredible voice, Is, and I would happily listen to you sing any day," Billy smiled at her. Isadora blushed and looked down at her hands and before she had the chance to be plagued by memories form when she had performed when she was younger, Billy leant forward and kissed the blonde before he moved closer to her and gently pushed her back on the bed. Isadora wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as she pulled his closer to her. As she kissed him, Billy's hand trailed down to the hem of her shirt and Isadora felt him start to lift her shirt before he stopped and she broke the kiss, as she tilted her head and looked at him.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay with this before we go any further," Billy licked his lips nervously as Isadora smiled ad nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay with this, Billy, and I appreciate you making sure I'm okay with it," Isadora smiled at him.

"Always," Billy nodded before pulling her shirt off. Isadora then helped Billy remove his shirt before he kissed her again and then started placing small kisses along her jawline and neck and as he did, Isadora moaned softly. Billy smirked at the blonde before he started kissing her chest and moving down her stomach, and as he did, the blonde bit her lip.

"Can you please stop teasing me already, Billy?"

"Tell me what you want, Princess," Billy said.

"I want you —" Isadora told him and Billy nodded as he kissed her again before their bodies met in a passionate tangle of limbs and afterwards, both went to shower before Isadora pulled on a clean shirt and leggings while Billy put his boxers on and lazily threw a shirt on over the top. As he did, Isadora looked towards him, "Do you want to stay the night?"

"Of course. Do you want me to stay the night?"

"I wouldn't have asked the question if I didn't want you to," Isadora giggled, making Billy roll his eyes before he frowned at the blonde.

"Your parents won't care if you let a boy spend the night in your bed?"

"They won't be home tonight," Isadora shrugged before walking out of the bathroom. Billy watched her leave the room and he couldn't help wondering why she tensed up every time her parents were mentioned but he decided he would ask her about it later as he walked back into her bedroom and walked over to join the blonde on the bed, and she smiled as she cuddled up to him, as Billy wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer before he gently kissed her forehead, as the pair got comfortable. And as they drifted off to sleep, Isadora smiled happily, feeling glad that Billy Hargrove had decided to climb through her window tonight.



Here's another new chapter I've added in and this one is a bit of a roller coaster but an important chapter nonetheless.

Ps that's about as much smut as you'll probably see me write.

Enjoy! Xo



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