15. 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Get off me now." Seungmin said with a small fond smile. Yvonne just hugged Sunshine back tightly. She was thankful everyday for her and Sunshine's friendship as was Sunshine for their friendship.

"What did I just walk into? Eww." Meadow said as she entered the room in a blue dress.

"Affection. You should try it sometime, Meadow!" Sunshine teased as she escaped her friends arms and ran towards Meadow.

"Aniyo! Aniyooooo! No!" Meadow screeched as she tried to run away but ended up getting slowed down by the dress and Sunshine clasped Meadow in her grip. Meadow struggled for a bit before giving up and allowing Sunshine to hug her.

Chan was done pacing and was now sitting on a chair bouncing his leg anxiously.

"Chan, you need to chill out." Hannah said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm trying!" Chan exclaimed before getting up again to pace. Hannah looked to Minho and Felix with a shrug. There wasn't much else she could that she didn't try.

"Chan Hyung you have less than 5 minutes to get your ass out there at the alter. And so help me god, if you embarrass my sister by not being there.." Felix threatened, not looking too threatening in his golden colored best man suit. "You need to grow a pair of balls and get out there so my sister can see she has nothing to worry about!" Bang Chan's eyes widened as he looked at Felix. Felix had never really spoken to Chan that way and at the fact that Felix reminded him that Sunshine was just as nervous and scared. I.N. was waiting outside with Eun-Woo holding the rings. Everyone else was sitting and waiting for the wedding to start.

"You're right, I'll pull myself together and make this the best wedding she'll ever have!"

"The only one she'll ever have." Minho encourages the best he could.

"Let's do this!" Bang Chan said as he stood up.

"Fighting, Hyung!" The other two cheered. Bang Chan wore a white suit with small sunflower designs along the cuff of his sleeves and on the handkerchief tucked into his pocket. Almost everything Chan and Sunshine were wearing were custom made with sunflowers in them. Being both Chan's and Sunshine's favorite flower.

The music started and the wedding had officially started. Chan stood at the alter with a smile on his face as he watched the aisle, waiting for his future wife.

Hannah came out first throwing out a mixture of blue and yellow rose petals along with sunflower petals with I.N. and Eun-Woo close behind. Eun-Woo was holding the pillow in his hands and looked at it with wide eyes to make sure they didn't fall. I.N. walked behind him and held his shoulders to make sure Eun-Woo stayed on track. Felix, Yvonne, and Hyunjin came down the aisle next with their arms linked with a train of the rest coming behind them.

Sunshine was getting nervous again as she tried to fight back the tears now that her make up had been done beautifully, making her feel like a diamond as her father patted her hand in the crook of his elbow lovingly.

"You look stunning, sweetheart." He said with an adoring smile.

"T-thanks, Appa." She hiccuped out and a tear escaped but her father was quick to wipe it away before it ruined her make up.

"I always dreamed of this day. Walking my baby down the aisle." Sunshine let out a laugh with a sniffle.

"I'm not the youngest, Appa."

"You're still my baby." He said tenderly and Sunshine fought the urge to burst into tears. "Let get you married." He said and Sunshine nodded as he pulled the veil down over her face. Sunshine almost immediately calmed when she felt the soft sand on her feet, she considered the wedding a barefoot wedding. Almost everyone just wore flip flops so they can just take them off and be barefoot in the sand. They started their path to the alter and when she saw everyone she couldn't fight the urge to cry anymore. Seeing all her family and friends standing and watching her with joyful smiles. The gasps of how beautiful she looked. Most of all, the face of her soon to be husband waiting at the alter with his own tears falling down his face as he watched her approach with her father.

Her father handed her off to Chan. Chan took her hand in his as her father  kissed her cheek softly.

"I love you, Appa." Sunshine said with a teary smile.

"I love you too, my daughter." Chan shakes hands with Chan and a pat on the back. "Take good care of her son."

"I will, I promise Mr. Lee." Bang Chan swore, and meant it. Sunshine was so glad that they had come back to Australian to get married on their beach. Sunshine looked at Chan with sparkling eyes and he had the same expression.

"Today, we gather here to join Sunshine Lee and Christopher Bang Chan Bahng in holy matrimony..." Bang Chan and Sunshine held each other's hands between them as they faced each other.

"The couple has written their own vows. So Mr. Bahng, please say your vows." Bang Chan took a deep breath before making eye contact with Sunshine.

"Sunny, it was never my plan to fall in love with my best mate's sister. When I met you I liked your spark. Your sarcasm and the way you looked like you took nobody's shit. You were also so pretty. You were always snarky to me but that's what got me to like you. Your spark sparked my heart. I found myself wanting to see you and smiling in the middle of the day as I thought about you. I started writing song about you. I knew I was in love. And I will continue to love you for the rest of our lives. Forever. In sickness and in health, for rich or poor, for good or bad, I will always stick beside you. Because I love you." Bang Chan finished as tears slipped down his face. Sunshine was sniffling loudly under her veil. She reach a hand under her veil and wiped her tears.

"I don't know how to follow up that. I might as well just do the normals vows with that." Sunshine joked and laughter ran through their family and friends. She sniffled again and cleared her throat.

"Chan, when I met you.. it wasn't love at first sight.." There was a couple gasps and murmurs. "Usually bride and grooms who write their vows say it was. But it wasn't for us. But in my opinion that was good. Because a love earned is so much stronger than a quick love. I had so many bad past relationships that I honestly thought I'd never have love for someone other than my family again and then you came. You handle my snarkiness like a pro, always replying back with something funny. You matched my energy. I realized not long after that I had fallen in love again. I was scared. But thank you for pursuing me, even after I rejected you so many times because I was scared. You made ME a better woman. And I love you, so much because despite everything you stuck with me. Which is why I promise to stay with you. Through sickness and health, for rich or poor, for good or bad, I will be there beside you. I will love you for the rest of my life." Sunshine promised. Everyone gave applause for their vows.

"You may exchange rings now." Sunshine squatted down and summoned Eun-Woo to them. He came up to her carefully with the pillow and she lifted him into her arms. Chan takes her ring from the pillow and slid it on her finger as she held Eun-Woo against her hip with one hand. Chan held her hand as he gazed at the ring that marks hers as his. He brushed his thumb over it tenderly before resting a kiss on it. Eun-Woo hands his mom the other ring and she slid it on Chan's ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Bang Chan lifts the veil off her face and tosses it back with the help of their son. Chan and Sunshine kiss with their son between them.

"Welcome the new couple, Mr. And Mrs. Bahng."


1920 Words

𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now