And the Firelights. I can't necessarily say that it's changed because it wasn't a thing when I was last down here, it's a recent addition to the Undercity that started while I was away and oblivious. However, I can say that I'm proud of what's happening here.

When I last saw the Lanes, the city was starting to fall apart more than it already had. There was little to no hope of there being a neutral middle ground, which the Firelights now serve as. They make it 100% clear that their end goal isn't going to war with Piltover, as Topside isn't completely responsible for the neglect of our society. But they also make it known that they aren't with Silco in his "reformation" of Zaun. His motivations and ways of change are unethical and fucking awful.

Thus they are the holy middle ground that we didn't even know we needed.

They're working to shut down the source of what gives Silco such power and control over the citizens of the Undercity; Shimmer. But they're also not opposed to fighting enforcers if they choose to go starting shit down here again.

They're busy every day working on ways to possibly dethrone Silco and his influence on our people so that real Undercity reformation can begin. The whole mission of the group, their motivation and determination, it's unbelievably admirable, and seeing the way they function up close is inspiring.

Let's chalk all of this up to a lot happening while I was stuck in a fucking cell in Stillwater.

There are always people working in the Firelight's base, even though Miriem told everyone that for the next few weeks, there won't be any missions going on, which means we have downtime. There are certain people who continue working even with the announcement that they don't have to. Whether that be by continuing to train to keep up their strength, working on machines and weapons 'just in case', or even improving upon inventions and innovations to make our lives easier.

The place is always full of bustling Firelights; teens sat with their friends or running around on adventures, families hanging out in the courtyard to get some fresh air, and lone wolves doing whatever they want to do for the day.

It's amazing to watch, from above in Mira, Ekko, and Powder's home, how while all of the people are doing their own thing, they seem to work and operate in harmony. It's hard to put into words, how they are all completing totally separate tasks, yet they function like a bee hive, working around or with one another to accomplish things as little as getting a toy down from where it's stuck in the branches of the beautiful tree.

Today, we don't have much planned. Very little actually. Powder and Ekko want to wind down the old fashion way; playing board games like how we used to do in the basement of The Last Drop. Powder also wants to drag me along for some girl time with Mira and Caitlyn.

Speaking of, when Mira and Caitlyn first met, it was rocky at the beginning. It was actually two days into Caitlyn and my arrival; while on her way down from her house, Mira almost ran into Caitlyn who was walking to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Miriem knew who she was, of course, we had told her so she was aware of the full situation, but seeing the girl still in her enforcer uniform after being told she refused to change, let's just say that the blonde was pissed off.

The argument they had went along the lines of Caitlyn trying to introduce herself and apologize for being in the way, Mira interrupting and saying she already knew who she was and cutting to the chase by asking about her stay so far, Cait saying she was doing fine and that she was really impressed with the Firelight's, Mira asking her if she really was doing fine because 'if you really were wouldn't you try to make an effort to contribute at least a little, at the very least change your fucking clothes to show that you aren't about to flee and tell your topside friends about us?

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