Chapter Seven

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Now I knew that the people I thought I'd lost while in Piltover would grow and change while I was away. I've already seen proof of this in both Powder and Ekko, but I was honestly surprised with Miriem.

I didn't know her super well beforehand so all I have to go off of is the things I've heard rumored about her and the few meetings we had, which isn't much. I may be way off, but before I was arrested, she seemed closed off and kind of abrasive, rude to an extent, but also caring enough to attempt to save strangers (me and my family).

The two times we met before that night at the warehouse, she was adamant that she could hold her own, and she went as far as to tell us off when we tried cornering her in the bar. She seemed to hate the idea of having anyone help her, and she was for sure standoffish.

But now, I see that she was probably acting that way because of the obvious abuse and neglect of her father. Her true personality was most likely there, only buried under what she had to become to survive in such harsh circumstances.

It's apparent at the moment that she's not like that at all, not anymore at the very least.

She's accepting and encouraging the help of her followers to her cause, the group she built and felt responsible for. She is an inspiration to these people, she makes it her job to not let them get discouraged, and she builds them back up when they're down.

She still has the tendency to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she takes on too many responsibilities, but I can see that she could have had more, she's been letting some of the stress go to other people rather than taking it all on for herself. It's admirable how much she cares for others.

She cares so much for both Powder and Ekko, the children she's basically been raising on her own since they were nine when she was only eighteen. I can see it in the look in her eyes when they bicker and goof around, she loves them.

The compassion they hold, the strength and confidence, the determination. That's all thanks to Mira, I can tell she's helped in boosting their self-esteem. When I last saw them, they were kids, scared and cowardly, just starting to be taken more seriously. They were still learning, they were still doubting themselves because they weren't to the level of us older teenagers yet.

They've come a hell of a long way, and there's no doubt in my mind that it's because of Miriem.

Ekko, the scrawny child who used to hole up in his father's shop instead of coming with the rest of us when we offered to train him, has grown strong and capable. He's still tinkering with his gadgets and building machines in his shop, but he's more involved in the community he's a part of. He leads missions and makes plans to overcome the destruction of the Undercity.

Ekko's no longer the awkward kid with acne and missing teeth too big for his mouth. He holds himself in a completely different manner, he's cool and so sure of his actions. He deals with relatively stressful situations with care and thought, he values the safety of his people and bases his decisions around their wellbeing.

And Powder, who Mira calls Jinx occasionally (she said she started using the term in an endearing way as a way to take the blow and pain of Mylo's words away entirely, to take away her self-doubt and replace it with confidence), has changed in more subtle ways.

She's still bubbly and energetic as ever, but she's gained a sense of humor, unlike the one she had before. She's still obsessed with dangerous weapons and takes pride in the ones she built herself. She's not obsessed in a way that may seem manic, but rather just super passionate.

She's grown into her body, and her appearance, while not a priority to her, has certainly changed. She's not the type of person to give any fucks about what others think of her and that is 100% reflected by her personality and style.

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