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Rocking my baby in my arms as I'm on a blanket, mother is by my side as the kids play with their fathers and Demetri "What do you think will happen when we go back home to Westeros?" Mother asks me

"We go to Dragonstone" I say "mother? Have you ever thought about adopting a baby here before going back home?" She stares at me "we could always steal a baby that no one wants"

"I've thought about it" she nods her head, pushing my hair behind my ear "but one thing I've learned over the centuries is to be grateful for what I have, I will forever be grateful Aelin for this life I have. Watching you grow, watching Aemond and my grandchildren grow...I have never been a more proud parent"

"I love you mama" tears fall down my face as I hug her with one arm.

"Oh Aelin!" She hugs me back, hearing footsteps we see Katerina come over.

"Hi" waving her hand "can I join you guys?"

Nodding our heads, she sits down with us looking at the kids, Demetri and my mates playing football "How was your nap?" I ask "here" holding out the deli platter.

Shaking her head "Your eating for two" mother reminds her.

She takes some food "Thank you and my nap was good, I honestly feel safer with you all then before"

"Why?" I ask

"I always knew something was off about Bella's boyfriend" she explains after eating some pickles "made it hard to sleep at night, plus with Bella always screaming in her sleep without Edward...I just" shaking her head "it was hard to sleep. Do you think before we go to Westeros? Did I pronounce it correctly?" Nodding our heads "if I could grab some things from my old home, there are these things my late grandmother on both sides left me and heirlooms that they didn't want Bella to have"

"Of course" nodding my head "have you always wanted kids?"

Nodding her head "I pictured having a few...ever since I worked in this daycare and baby sat for children"

"What ages?" Mother asks

"All ages" she says "I know how to take care of kids and what to do in any emergency" we hear a roar and Kat flinches "sorry, still" she motions to the dragons as they tear apart the humans "getting use to that—I love how your using corpses to feed the dragons, recyclable. Saves from getting more graves made an ruining more land and"

"Thank you" I cut her off "and Kat be yourself around us, your not who we are angry at. We hate Isabella and the Cullens, not you"

She starts to cry "What's wrong?" Mom asks

"You both are so amazing" she cries "much better than my birth mother" mom hugs her, I see Aerion looking our way and I wave for them to continue their game. But Aerion comes over.

"Everything alright?" He asks

Nodding her head "Just bonding with your mom and grandma"

"How are you and the babies?" He asks

"We're doing" nodding her head before stopping "I'm sorry? But I thought it was one baby?"

"It's two" I tell her "at first we thought it was one but it was really early, it's two"

She stares at us "Two babies?" She repeats before taking deep breaths "sorry, just trying to get use to the idea of pushing two babies out of my private parts" Oh! Her and her innocent mind.

"Why don't" I suggest "you go flying with Aerion?"

"Uh" she looks over to the dragon then to us "I mean if you okay with that, I'd love to go flying with you. Learn more about you"

Nodding his head smiling, Aerion and Katerina go over to his dragon Hellfyre. Over the century the dragons have laid in total about ten dragon eggs. We haven't attempted to hatch the eggs yet, we want to be back in Westeros first.

Aerion picks up Katerina before jumping up, I notice that one wolf growling and his friends are keeping him back. Aerion is behind Katerina as they take the reigns before he yells "Sovōs!" Katerina screams as they fly, but that scream is a good scream. One filled with excitement.


"One day Taelon" he looks up at his fathers and I before yawning "you'll get your own dragon" Aemond tells him.

"And you'll worry me like crazy" Felix says, we look at him "whenever your up there I get very worried"

Shaking our heads, we look back at Taelon who is asleep "Oh, he's going to be a trouble maker" whispering as we stare at our son for a few minutes more before leaving. Going downstairs to the others, we see the Cullens are all in one room and that Isabella is being consoled by that Alice Cullen.

"Why is that human here?" I demand, listening carefully I know that Aerion is with Katerina. The two are giggling, their watching a movie together with Jaehaera and Aenar. It's probably a funny movie by how their acting. Mom went into Taelon's room after we left to stare at Taelon like she normally does.

"There was a nomad in Bella's house" Carlisle speaks to me "Your Grace"

"If any of you" Felix warns "blame the Volturi, you will be executed immediately"

"You all" Aemond crossed his arms "are still responsible for destroying the newborn army being created by that mateless vampire—we are giving you a limit not"

"What?!" That Edward exclaims "you can't!"

"Grab him" I order, the human screams as my mates grab him and I remove his tongue before burning it. He falls screaming, his coven goes to him as I look at everyone "speak when spoken to, you are all beneath us. If that human is not turned before her eighteenth birthday she will be killed, if that newborn army isn't destroyed soon or that mateless vampire then we will take care of things and destroy all of you"

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