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~Aelin's POV~

Where am I? This place is much colder than in the Red Keep. I mean, when I woke up this morning I had a bad feeling especially when I didn't hear my guard say anything. So Nyx and I left, before Aemond left he ordered a guard to keep an eye on me and when the guard didn't say anything I got worried.

When I entered this one place, I had a bad feeling so I had Nyx stay by my side until she wasn't so I started to sing the With Three Heads. It's about how is Valyrian's got out ability to be connected with dragons.

When I heard a growl, I called for Nyx but then the growl turned into a snarl and a large man was before me. His touch was as cold as ice. But the moment I touched him, I didn't feel as...terrified or worried but calm. It's weird, it's like how I feel with Aemond.

"Welcome to our home princess" a man speaks as he takes my hand and kisses the palm, I hear a growl "my name is Aro, beside me are my brothers Caius and Marcus...might I ask how you and your daughter came here?"

"I walked" I say "I opened up a door and walked through it. Where am I? This isn't the Red Keep"

"Your in Volterra" A man who sounds angry says

"Where?" I ask, I try to think of where this place is "Where in Westeros am I? Or am I in Essos?"

"Your in neither place" Aro says, he then says something in another language and another man speaks it.

"Slaves of the moon" I feel a vision come forward "fire, death, genocide"

"What?" Someone asks

"Slaves of the moon" I hear these angry snarls and growls "fire, death, genocide"

"Eleazar?" Someone asks "your shift doesn't begin for a few hours" I hear someone growl then Nyx growls and I place my hand on her neck calming her down.

"She's a seer" a new male voice says

"A seer" Aro breathes out, but I don't like the way he says that. Nyx she growls some more.

"Born to see the future" the same voice says "she doesn't have her sight because of it" I hear someone talk then people argue, but one thing is certain. I'm not in the Red Keep.

"How do you know I have dragon dreams?" I ask "also my sight for the future comes at unexpected times"

"Your Highness" Aro speaks "Felix here shall show you to a room" he says something in another language "your dragon shall be brought outside" Nyx growls.

"Nyx" I call out as someone takes my hand gently "Gīda ilagon, jikagon outside se rest" calm down, go outside and rest I'm pulled aside when Nyx flies off but when she did it was through a window "apologies for the window"

"It's alright" Aro says "your dragon won't go harming anyone will she?"

"She's a dragon" reminding him "she won't hurt anyone unless I command her to" I'm brought away, this Felix is guiding me to where I'll be staying.

"Congratulations" the man tells me, I recognize the voice but from where? "On your pregnancy, I'm Felix"

"Aelin" nodding my head, my stomach begins to grumble and I blush "apologies, I haven't had breakfast yet"

"Let me take you to the chambers you'll be staying in" he offers "then I'll get you some food"

"Thank you" I say, we walk for some time before a door opens and I'm guided to a bed it seems.

"I'll be right back" he says, I lie back rubbing my belly smiling as my child are safe and sound inside of me. For some reason I feel like that Felix will keep myself and my baby safe "this is Demetri" Felix says "he shall watch over you as I get you a meal"

"Hello" I say

"Hello" a new man's voice with an accent says, the bed dips down as the man sits down "congratulations on the pregnancy, how far are you?"

"About five moons" I answer, yes my belly is quite big that the Maester said I could be carrying multiples like Helaena.

"Your husband must be happy?" He asks

"My brother and I are quite excited" smiling as I continue to rub my belly, I know the man is still here since the bed didn't shift "Aemond believes I'm carrying a girl, but I think a boy"

"I'm sorry?" He asks "but did you just say your brother?"

"Yes" nodding my head "I recently married my elder brother-and because I doubt you know since I'm not home or anywhere familiar, I come from a long line of incest" I don't know, I feel like I have to say that "over a thousand years of incest"

"How old are you?" He asks after some time

"One and four" nodding my head "could you help me write to my family? They must be worried. Especially Aemond"

"Sure" he agrees, the bed shifts and after a moment he says "alright, what do you wish for me to write"

Given how I don't think anyone here knows Valyrian "My love" I start "I am alright, need not worry though I doubt it. I will return home to you as soon as I can and the moment I return home I'm going to show you how much I miss you. I'm going to strip naked before you and ignore what Grand Maester Mellos" yeah Grand Maester Mellos told us not to fuck as hard as we normally do "then kiss you, my hand will"

"Pardon me princess" Demetri cuts me off "but this letter...how graphic in detail will this be?"

"Very" I say "I'm going to use my hand and grab your shaft, pumping my hand up and down before taking you into my mouth" for the next few minutes I go into such graphic detail about the mind blowing sex I always have with Aemond that I forget about where I am "I'll be back soon. Love, Aelin-thank you, Demetri"

"Of course" he says thought it sounds like he's holding back laughter "how old is your brother?"

"Which one?" I ask "I have three"

"Your husband" he clarified

"One and eight" Pouting "I'm so glad I married my brother and not my bastard nephew-I hope my brother kills our nephews then feeds them to our sister" I hate Jace and Luke.

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