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~Aemond's POV~

"Are you completely satisfied?" Felix asks Aelin as she is lying on her side on our bed naked. She nods her head rubbing her swollen belly, it's been almost a century since our daughter died. We only recently decided all three of us to try to have another child, took a few years but now Aelin is pregnant again.

"I" going over to her, kissing her then kissing her belly where the baby kicks "absolutely love it when your pregnant. Here glowing like the goddess you already are bringing new life into the world"

"He's right" Felix kisses her next

Just then there is a knock on the door "What?!" Aelin snaps, we chuckle since Aelin is no longer the sweet blind girl she once was but so much stronger. She was already strong but she's so much stronger now.

"Mom, dads" Aenar calls out "your shift starts soon" right, Felix and I are guards as Aelin rules beside the kings of the vampire world to try to keep order. She and mother take turns so that Aelin doesn't go crazy.

Getting up, we help Aelin get dressed. The child is definitely taking anger Felix, see we already have our three white haired children. This time like with Alyssane we want a black haired baby.

Aelin looks absolutely stunning in her blue off shoulder dress with her hair down in soft curls and white heels.

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"This one is going to be a boy" Aelin rubs her belly "I just know it"

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"This one is going to be a boy" Aelin rubs her belly "I just know it"

"The kids were hoping for a girl" Felix tells her as we walk or in Aelin's case waddles to the throne room.

"Maybe next time" I say when we get to the throne room, we take our spots after helping Aelin to her throne. She sits between Caius and Aro.

Aro looks at our mate and narrows his eyes on her "Have you gotten crankier since getting pregnant?" The other kings look at him as Aelin grabs his wrist before throwing him through a wall.

"Aro" Caius shakes his head "What did we tell you?"

Aro groans getting up as Aelin sits down "Don't enrage the pregnant immortal with dragons" going back to his chair, Jaehaera who was nearby uses her powers of magic to fix the wall. Lately we have been thinking about leaving the Volturi, we have the means to. Plus we found this amazing island to live on that with magic will be perfect for all of us.

The doors open as in comes a golden eyed vampire "Who are you?" Caius demands

"My name is Edward Cullen" we've heard that name, that's the golden eyed vampire who Carlisle let's do whatever he wants.

"The mind reader's blood singer's fate shall be decided" Aelin speaks, we look at her "death. The blood singer brings death" snapping out of it.

Jaehaera soon goes into a vision saying "Seattle. Death. Missing people all newborns" my mate and daughter look at the mind reader enraged.

"Why is a newborn army being created to kill you Cullens?" Aelin demands

"What?" Caius demands "what are you talking about?"

"Someone named Victoria" Jaehaera speaks up "is creating an army as we speak to kill the Cullens and someone named Bella Swan, why?"

Aro stands up and takes the mind readers hand, after some time he lets go "If you don't tell the truth" Aelin warns to Aro rubbing her belly "you'll die by Nyx's fire"

"The Cullens destroyed one half of a mated pair" Aro says "this Victoria is being left alone since this boy doesn't want to kill her, not while his blood singer Isabella Swan is her name is dead"

"Kill him" Marcus orders

"No" Aelin says "Demetri? Find this Victoria, she shall kill the Cullens—Aenar, Aerion go with your uncle. Fetch the Cullens as well" they nod their heads and leave.

"No!" The mind reader exclaims "the others"

"Are just as much responsible as you are" Aelin growled "because of you a newborn army is being created. Over what? A blood singer" just then Demetri comes back in with a short dark haired pixie cut golden eyed vampire and a human who smells like a wet dog.

"Bella?" The mind reader asks as the human screams "Edward!" The two hours for a hug but are held back by Felix, Alec and I.

"Shifters, killers" Jaehaera speaks as Aelin says "Irena Denali in pain"

"Someone" Caius orders "tell me what's going on?"

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